liquepy 0.6.28

Creator: bradpython12

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liquepy 0.6.28

Python tools for solving problems related to soil liquefaction



Calculate liquefaction factor of safety according to Boulanger and Idriss (2014)
Calculate expected lateral strain and volumetric strain according to Zhang et al (2002)


Calculate foundation settlement on liquefiable deposit according to Karamitros et al. (2013) or Bray et al. (2018)

Element tests:

Calculate the dissipated energy required to liquefy

Site response analysis

Perform equivalent linear site response analysis using the pysra package

pip install liquepy
Optional modules (sra, fig, spatial) require large third-party dependencies and therefore do
not import unless dependencies are satisfied.
to install all dependencies for these optional modules run (example for installing sra dependencies)
pip install liquepy[sra]


How do I get set up?

Run pip install -r requirements.txt

Code suggestions

Implementations of published liquefaction methods should be written as calc_<property>_<first_author>[_et_al]_<date>() for two authors include both.
Plotting and visualisation should be not included in computation objects. Instead plotting functions or objects should receive computation objects as inputs.


Follow pep8 formatting standard (except for line character limit not strictly observed)
Docstrings written in numpy format
Tabulated data stored as comma separated or semi-colon separated files (not xlsx or xls)

Tests are run with pytest

Locally run: pytest on the command line.
Tests are run on every push using travis, see the .travis.yml file

To test the docs:

Install the check docs package: Run pip install collective.checkdocs
Run the check docs package and fix the errors: Run python checkdocs

To deploy the package to you need to:

Push to the pypi branch. This executes the tests on
Create a git tag and push to github, run: or manually:

git tag 0.5.2 -m "version 0.5.2"
git push --tags origin pypi



0.6.27 (2024-03-28)

Add PM4Silt to o3
Fixed wrong date on Zhang method
Improved setting of default pm4sand parameters

0.6.24 (2021-11-30)

Improvements for using PM4Silt
More shear wave velocity correlations added

0.6.23 (2021-06-23)

Fixed issue with conversion of NZGD file using convert_raw02_xlsx_or_raw_03_xls function
Added support for the PM4Silt constitutive model
Added missing e_min and e_max parameters to optional parameters for PM4Sand model

0.6.22 (2021-04-19)

Soils now define water mass density wmd and liq_sg instead of liq_mass_density to allow for not water liquids.
Can set min shear wave velocity in sra using vs_min.
Default k0 conditions now calculated using poisson ratio rather than friction angle.
Added the ELSA (Equivalent Linear Stockwell Analysis) method for performing site response analysis using time dependent transfer functions.

0.6.18 (2020-12-08)

Can get set liquefaction criteria for element test using double or single amplitude strain
Can deal with loading a cpt file when the gwl level is not set
Added the ManzariDafaliasModel soil model
big_f added as a parameter in Boulanger and Idriss CPT analysis
fixed function to allow crr_n15 to be computed from q_c1ncs according to BI2014

0.6.15 (2020-07-22)

Added back-calc of n1_60 from crr_m7p5 using bi2014 calc_n1_60cs_from_crr_m7p5
Added sra.PysraAnalysis and sra.run_pysra as ways to run an equivalent linear
analysis using the PySRA package
Can set point of liquefaction in element test using single aplitude and double amplitude strain criteria

0.6.14 (2020-04-29)

Added theory one and two layer transfer functions
Minor change to LSN calculation to not use the average depth between points
Added run_pysra to run a site response analysis and obtain ACCX, TAU, and STRS
Updated logic for handling FLAC fis file inputs

0.6.13 (2020-02-24)

Fixed issue with creating ESP when cpt depths are irregular

0.6.12 (2020-02-21)

Fixed issue with fitting 3- and 5-layer ESPs now uses median to find value of least deviations

0.6.11 (2020-02-10)

Added MRD curves for clay
Fixed issue with fitting 5-layer equivalent soil profile (ESP)

0.6.10 (2020-01-31)

Added .p_atm to Boulanger and Idriss (2014) method
Improved plotting colors for i_c
Changed liquefaction factor of safety for high plasticity soil to be 2.25
Added method for detecting cyclic peaks using peak energy
removed examples folder from pip install of package
Added more FLAC based functions
Significant increase in package loading speeding
Added Equivalent Soil Profile method from Millen et al. (2020)

0.6.9 (2019-12-6)

Added nzgd CPT file converter
Corrected error in est_shear_vel_hegazy_and_mayne_2006
Change modules (sra, fig, spatial) to be optional due to heavy dependencies. Only imported at base level if all
dependencies are satisfied.

0.6.7 (2019-11-12)

Updated docs
Updated names for PM4Sand FLAC
Refactored numerical models to be in generic file and the inherited in application specific files
(flac, o3), where app specific details are added.
Added permeability estimate est_permeability_robertson_and_cabal_2012
Added more tests to increase coverage
Can change empirical fitting parameter ‘c0’ in calculation of CRR_m7.5 from BI2016
Added more logic for FLACSoil model to output to fis file
Fixed issue where could not calculate transfer function in site response analysis
determine_t_liq_index now uses ru greater than or equal to limit, rather than just greater than

0.6.3 (2019-10-31)

Added missing import eqsig at top of file - used in
calc_stored_energy_abs_incs_fd_peaks_and_indices function
Finalised NSES example

0.6.2 (2019-10-30)

Fixed issue with Soil stack not working for overriding soil properties
Added h_po to PM4Sand obj
Added estimation of cumulative absolute (change in) strain energy (CASE) in 1D soil profile using the nodal surface
energy spectrum (NSES) from Millen et al. (2019) as a function lq.trigger.nses.est_case_1d_millen_et_al_2019()
Added example of estimation of CASE compared to linear analysis using pysra package
Added calculation of cumulative absolute (change in) strain energy (CASE) of element test from Millen et al. (2019)
as function calc_case_peaks_and_indices_fd

0.6.1 (2019-10-7)

Incremented numerical model inputs to make use of latest sfsimodels version

0.6.0 (2019-08-23)

If CPT file contains key word ‘Pre-Drill:’ then CPT loads with pre-drilled depth removed
Can set depth limit to LDI calculation
Can set relative density limits to zhang_2002 relative density calculation
Fixed issue with I_c color map for plotting
[Not backward compatible] Switched Zhang et al shear and volumetric strain calculations to proper naming convention
and changed to return strain as decimal, removed old functions

0.5.7 (2019-07-05)

Build without history in file

0.5.6 (2019-07-05)

Added geographiclib to install reqs.

0.5.5 (2019-07-05)

Added support for setting weight of the pre-drilled depth for B&I2014
Added support for calculating Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI) and Lateral Displacement Index (LDI)
Fixed bug where calculation of shear strain from Zhang et al. (2004) used wrong value for interpolating between
different Dr lines, such that upper or lower limit were taken not interpolated value (resulted in slight change of
values for Bray foundation settlement method)
Added new default cpt loader load_mpa_cpt_file, where all values are in MPa and metres and delimeter is ‘,’
Fixed bug where big_Q in B&I2014 triggering method was calculated with the m from Eq. 2.15b,
now calculated using the n from Robertson and Wride (1997)

0.5.4 (2019-05-28)

Added support for computing liquefaction triggering using BI2014 for a sfsimodels.SoilProfile object
Fixed issue in sra module where depth increment was larger than layer, then failed
Fixed bug where ‘void_ratio’ method for unit weight in BI2014 triggering added dry weight twice
Added support for loading cpt files that do not have the u2 column
Updated factor of safety colors for plotting, added color map and colors accessible as static values
Added npts to bi2014 object
Added colors and color map for I_c soil values
Minor speed improvements to the B&I2014 triggering method

0.5.3 (2019-04-08)

Set base layer of eqlin site response to be elastic
Refactored crr_m7p5 function from bi2014 method
Switched sra commands to use latests sfsimodels package

0.5.1 (2019-03-29)

Added more correlations
Changed all calculation functions to start with the prefix ‘calc’
Can set cut_time for obtaining strain compatible site response profile

0.5.0 (2019-03-14)

Changed order of inputs in ElementTest object!
Changed ElementTest attributes (gamma -> strain, tau -> stress)

0.4.12 (2019-03-14)

Added calculation of dissipated energy and cumulative absolute change in shear stress of element tests

0.4.11 (2019-03-14)

Added plotting functions for CPT
Cleaned up names of input motion saving functions, and order of args

0.4.8 - 0.4.10 (2019-03-08)

Updated docstrings, readme file
Fixed number of columns to load on CPT to be 0-3

0.4.7 (2019-02-28)

run_bi2014 fixed bug where water unit weight was 10 times too big

0.4.5 (2019-02-27)

BoulangerIdriss2014 unit weight calculation now uses the specific weight of water a gravity=9.8
BoulangerIdriss2014 gwl now is the ground water level during the earthquake, while cpt_gwl is the gwl at cpt measure
Added BoulangerIdriss2014CPT which performs BoulangerIdriss2014 but takes CPT as an input

0.4.4 (2019-02-27)

Changes to BoulangerIdriss2014:
Added big_q as a property
Modified unit weight calculation (minimum changed from 15kN/m3 to 14.715kN/m3 (lowest value in original study
by Roberston (2010)), Added maximum unit weight 19.62kN/m3 (maximum value in study),
Changed atmospheric pressure from 100kPa to 101kPa (also added as an optional input)
Input magnitude -> m_w
Added support for calculation of unit weight using specific weight
Optional input s_g to override specific weight of 2.65
Optional input s_g_water to override specific weight of water


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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