list-session-inhibitors 0.9.8

Creator: bradpython12

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listsessioninhibitors 0.9.8

command line utility to list session power inhibitors for Linux Gnome users.
Inspired by from Alexis Wilke (
Install Tips
The pip install adds an executable to your path (see usage).
This script assumes you are using Gnome.
Prerequisite packages
The python package PyGObject is a prerequisite.
Installation is automatic, but certain system packages must be installed, according to the requirements of PyGObject
For Ubuntu 20.10:
sudo apt install python3-pip libgirepository1.0-dev gcc libcairo2-dev pkg-config python3-dev gir1.2-gtk-3.0
for other distributions, see
You may get a warning that ~/.local/bin is not on your path.
When you next login, this will be fixed.
inhibitors list
With the Gnome Shell plugin Caffeine activate, and a Google Meet running in Firefox:
$ inhibitors list
Listing inhibitors reported by dbus:
Inhibitor: firefox audio-playing
Inhibitor: user Inhibit by Caffeine

Comparison with systemd
we can do
$ systemd-inhibit --list
which on my desktop gives:
ModemManager 0 root 2222 ModemManager sleep ModemManager needs to reset devices delay
NetworkManager 0 root 1912 NetworkManager sleep NetworkManager needs to turn off networks delay
UPower 0 root 2654 upowerd sleep Pause device polling delay
Unattended Upgrades Shutdown 0 root 2449 unattended-upgr shutdown Stop ongoing upgrades or perform upgrades before shutdown delay
GNOME Shell 1000 tim 5039 gnome-shell sleep GNOME needs to lock the screen delay
Telepathy 1000 tim 5156 mission-control shutdown:sleep Disconnecting IM accounts before suspend/shutdown... delay
gnome-tweak-tool-lid-inhibitor 1000 tim 5325 python3 handle-lid-switch user preference block
tim 1000 tim 5255 gsd-media-keys handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key GNOME handling keypresses block
tim 1000 tim 5020 gnome-session-b shutdown:sleep user session inhibited block
tim 1000 tim 5255 gsd-media-keys sleep GNOME handling keypresses delay
tim 1000 tim 5257 gsd-power sleep GNOME needs to lock the screen delay

The Caffeine plugin inhibit is the third line from the bottom. However, it is not obvious. I am sure in this case, because when I deactivate caffeine, the third line disappears.
The Google Meet inhibitor is not even listed at all. However, it is definitely an inhibitor.
Building and uploading
python3 -m build
python3 -m twine upload --skip-existing dist/*


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