llm-api-open 2.4.7

Creator: railscoder56

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llmapiopen 2.4.7

🕊️ LLM-API-Open (LMAO)

Unofficial open APIs for popular LLMs with self-hosted redirect capability


🕊️ LLM-API-Open (LMAO) allows for the free and universal utilization of popular Large Language Models (LLM).
This is achieved using browser automation. LLM-API-Open (LMAO) launches a browser in headless mode and controls a website as if a real user were using it.
This enables the use of popular LLMs that usually don't offer easy and free access to their official APIs
🔥 Additionally, LLM-API-Open (LMAO) is capable of creating its own API server to which any other apps can send requests.
In other words, you can utilize LLM-API-Open (LMAO) both as a Python package and as an API proxy for any of your apps!

🚧 LLM-API-Open is development

Due to my studies, I don't have much time to work on the project 😔
Currently, LLM-API-Open has only 2 modules: ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot
📈 But it is possible to add other popular online LLMs (You can wait, or make a pull-request yourself)
📄 Documentation is also under development! Consider reading docstring for now

😋 Support project

BTC: bc1qd2j53p9nplxcx4uyrv322t3mg0t93pz6m5lnft

ETH: 0x284E6121362ea1C69528eDEdc309fC8b90fA5578

ZEC: t1Jb5tH61zcSTy2QyfsxftUEWHikdSYpPoz

Or by my music on 🟦 bandcamp

🏗️ Getting started

⚠️ Will not work with Python 3.13 or later due to imghdr

⚙️ 1. Download / build / install LLM-API-Open
There is 4 general ways to get LLM-API-Open
⚙️ Install via pip

Install from PyPi
pip install llm-api-open

Or install from GitHub directly
pip install git+https://github.com/F33RNI/LLM-API-Open.git

Or clone repo and install
git clone https://github.com/F33RNI/LLM-API-Open.git
cd LLM-API-Open

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip install .

⬇️ Download cli version from releases
🔨 Build cli version from source using PyInstaller
git clone https://github.com/F33RNI/LLM-API-Open.git
cd LLM-API-Open

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

pyinstaller lmao.spec

dist/lmao --help

💻 Use source as is
git clone https://github.com/F33RNI/LLM-API-Open.git
cd LLM-API-Open

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

export PYTHONPATH=./src/lmao:$PYTHONPATH
python -m main --help

🔧 2. Configure LLM-API-Open

Download configs directory from this repo
Open .json files of modules you need in any editor and change it as you need
Specify path to configs directory with -c path/to/configs argument

📦 Python package example
import logging
import json

from lmao.module_wrapper import ModuleWrapper

# Initialize logging in a simplest way

# Load config
with open("path/to/configs/chatgpt.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
module_config = json.loads(file.read())

# Initialize module
module = ModuleWrapper("chatgpt", module_config)

# Ask smth
conversation_id = None
for response in module.ask({"prompt": "Hi! Who are you?", "convert_to_markdown": True}):
conversation_id = response.get("conversation_id")
response_text = response.get("response")
print(response_text, end="\n\n")

# Delete conversation
module.delete_conversation({"conversation_id": conversation_id})

# Close (unload) module

💻 CLI example
$ lmao --help
usage: lmao [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIGS] [-t TEST] [-i IP] [-p PORT] [-s SSL [SSL ...]] [--tokens-use TOKENS_USE [TOKENS_USE ...]]
[--tokens-manage TOKENS_MANAGE [TOKENS_MANAGE ...]] [--rate-limits-default RATE_LIMITS_DEFAULT [RATE_LIMITS_DEFAULT ...]] [--rate-limit-fast RATE_LIMIT_FAST]

Unofficial open APIs for popular LLMs with self-hosted redirect capability

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-c CONFIGS, --configs CONFIGS
path to configs directory with each module config file (Default: configs)
-t TEST, --test TEST module name to test in cli instead of starting API server (eg. --test=chatgpt)
-i IP, --ip IP API server Host (IP) (Default: localhost)
-p PORT, --port PORT API server port (Default: 1312)
-s SSL [SSL ...], --ssl SSL [SSL ...]
Paths to SSL certificate and private key (ex. --ssl "path/to/certificate.crt" "path/to/private.key")
--tokens-use TOKENS_USE [TOKENS_USE ...]
API tokens to enable authorization for /status, /ask, /stop and /delete (ex. --tokens-use "tokenForMyApp" "tokenForMyAnotherApp"
--tokens-manage TOKENS_MANAGE [TOKENS_MANAGE ...]
API tokens to enable authorization for /init and /close (ex. --tokens-manage "ultraPrivateTokeeeeeen")
Rate limits for all API requests except /stop (Default: --rate-limits-default "10/minute", "1/second")
--rate-limit-fast RATE_LIMIT_FAST
Rate limit /stop API request (Default: "1/second")
--no-logging-init specify to bypass logging initialization (will be set automatically when using --test)

lmao --test=chatgpt
lmao --ip="" --port=1312
lmao --ip="" --port=1312 --no-logging-init
lmao --ip "" --port=1312 --ssl certificate.crt private.key --tokens-use "tokenForMyApp" "tokenForMyAnotherApp" "ultraPrivateTokeeeeeen" --tokens-manage "ultraPrivateTokeeeeeen"

$ lmao --test=chatgpt
WARNING:root:Error adding cookie oai-did
WARNING:root:Error adding cookie ajs_anonymous_id
WARNING:root:Error adding cookie oai-allow-ne
User > Hi!
chatgpt > Hello! How can I assist you today?

🌐 API example
Start server

Please see 🔒 HTTPS server and token-based authorization section for more info about HTTPS server and tokens

$ lmao --configs "configs" --ip "" --port "1312"
2024-03-30 23:14:50 INFO Logging setup is complete
2024-03-30 23:14:50 INFO Loading config files from configs directory
2024-03-30 23:14:50 INFO Adding config of ms_copilot module
2024-03-30 23:14:50 INFO Adding config of chatgpt module
* Serving Flask app 'lmao.external_api'
* Debug mode: off
2024-03-30 23:14:50 INFO WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on all addresses (
* Running on
* Running on
2024-03-30 23:14:50 INFO Press CTRL+C to quit

🐍 Python (requests)
import logging
import time
from typing import Dict

import requests

BASE_URL = "http://localhost:1312/api"

# Timeout for each request

# Initialize logging in a simplest way

def post(endpoint: str, data: Dict):
"""POST request wrapper"""
response_ = requests.post(f"{BASE_URL}/{endpoint}", json=data, timeout=TIMEOUT, stream=endpoint == "ask")
if endpoint != "ask":
logging.info(f"{endpoint.capitalize()} Response: {response_.status_code}. Data: {response_.json()}")
except Exception:
logging.info(f"{endpoint.capitalize()} Response: {response_.status_code}")
logging.info(f"{endpoint.capitalize()} Response: {response_.status_code}")
return response_

def get(endpoint: str):
"""GET request wrapper"""
response_ = requests.get(f"{BASE_URL}/{endpoint}", timeout=TIMEOUT)
logging.info(f"{endpoint.capitalize()} Response: {response_.status_code}. Data: {response_.json()}")
return response_

# Initialize module
response = post("init", {"module": "chatgpt"})

# Read module's status and wait until it's initialized (in Idle)
logging.info("Waiting for module initialization")
while True:
response = get("status")
chatgpt_status_code = response.json()[0].get("status_code")
if chatgpt_status_code == 2:

# Ask and read stream response
response = post("ask", {"chatgpt": {"prompt": "Hi! Please write a long text about AI", "convert_to_markdown": True}})
logging.info("Stream Response:")
for line in response.iter_lines():
if line:

# Delete last conversation
response = post("delete", {"chatgpt": {"conversation_id": ""}})

# Close module (uninitialize it)
response = post("close", {"module": "chatgpt"})

For CURL examples please read 📄 API docs section

📄 API docs

⚠️ Documentation is still under development!

🌐 Module initialization /api/init
Begins module initialization (in a separate, non-blocking thread)

Please call /api/status to check if the module is initialized BEFORE calling /api/init.
After calling /api/init, please call /api/status to check if the module's initialization finished.

Request (POST):

Maximum content length: 100 bytes. Default rate limits: 10/minute, 1/second

Without authorization
"module": "name of module from MODULES"

With authorization

Please see 🔒 HTTPS server and token-based authorization section for more info

"module": "name of module from MODULES",
"token": "YourStrongRandomToken from --tokens-manage argument"


✔️ If everything is ok: status code 200 and {} body
❌ Error codes 429, 401 or 413 in case of rate limit, wrong token or too large request
❌ In case of other error: status code 400 or 500 and {"error": "Error message"} body

$ curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"module": "chatgpt"}' http://localhost:1312/api/init

🌐 Status /api/status
Retrieves the current status of all modules
Request (POST):

Maximum content length: 100 bytes. No rate limit

Without authorization

With authorization

Please see 🔒 HTTPS server and token-based authorization section for more info

"token": "YourStrongRandomToken from --tokens-use argument"


✔️ If no errors during modules iteration: status code 200 and

"module": "Name of the module from MODULES",
"status_code": "Module's status code as an integer",
"status_name": "Module's status as a string",
"error": "Empty or module's error message"

❌ Error codes 429, 401 or 413 in case of rate limit, wrong token or too large request
❌ In case of an modules iteration error: status code 500 and {"error": "Error message"} body

$ curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{}' http://localhost:1312/api/status

🌐 Send request and get stream response /api/ask
Initiates a request to the specified module and streams responses back (if no_stream is false or not specified)

Please call /api/status to check if the module is initialized and not busy BEFORE calling /api/ask
To stop the stream / response, please call /api/stop

Request (POST):

Maximum content length: 100 bytes. Default rate limits: 10/minute, 1/second

Without authorization

For ChatGPT:

"chatgpt": {
"prompt": "Text request to send to the module",
"conversation_id": "Optional conversation ID (to continue existing chat) or empty for a new conversation",
"convert_to_markdown": true or false //(Optional flag for converting response to Markdown)
"no_stream": true if you need to receive only the last response

For Microsoft Copilot:

"ms_copilot": {
"prompt": "Text request",
"image": image as base64 to include into request,
"conversation_id": "empty string or existing conversation ID",
"style": "creative" / "balanced" / "precise",
"convert_to_markdown": True or False
"no_stream": true if you need to receive only the last response

With authorization

Please see 🔒 HTTPS server and token-based authorization section for more info

For ChatGPT:

"chatgpt": {
"prompt": "Text request to send to the module",
"conversation_id": "Optional conversation ID (to continue existing chat) or empty for a new conversation",
"convert_to_markdown": true or false //(Optional flag for converting response to Markdown)
"token": "YourStrongRandomToken from --tokens-use argument",
"no_stream": true if you need to receive only the last response

For Microsoft Copilot:

"ms_copilot": {
"prompt": "Text request",
"image": image as base64 to include into request,
"conversation_id": "empty string or existing conversation ID",
"style": "creative" / "balanced" / "precise",
"convert_to_markdown": True or False
"token": "YourStrongRandomToken from --tokens-use argument",
"no_stream": true if you need to receive only the last response

Yields (or Returns if "no_stream" is specified):

✔️ A stream of JSON objects containing module responses

For ChatGPT, each JSON object has the following structure:

"finished": "True if it's the last response, False if not",
"message_id": "ID of the current message (from assistant)",
"response": "Actual response as text"

For Microsoft Copilot, each JSON object has the following structure:

"finished": True if it's the last response, False if not,
"response": "response as text (or meta response)",
"images": ["array of image URL's"],
"caption": "images caption",
"attributions": [
"name": "name of attribution",
"url": "URL of attribution"
"suggestions": ["array of suggestions of the requests"]


❌ Error codes 429, 401 or 413 in case of rate limit, wrong token or too large request
❌ In case of error: status code 500 and {"error": "Error message"} body

$ curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"chatgpt": {"prompt": "Hi! Who are you?", "convert_to_markdown": true}}' http://localhost:1312/api/ask
{"finished": false, "conversation_id": "1033be5b-d37d-46b3-b47c-9548da5b192c", "message_id": "00d9cc0d-c4d9-484d-a8e5-9c78eaf2a0e1", "response": "Hello! I'm ChatGPT, an AI developed by O"}
{"finished": true, "conversation_id": "1033be5b-d37d-46b3-b47c-9548da5b192c", "message_id": "00d9cc0d-c4d9-484d-a8e5-9c78eaf2a0e1", "response": "Hello! I'm ChatGPT, an AI developed by OpenAI. I'm here to help answer your questions, engage in conversation, provide information, or assist you with anything else you might need. How can I assist you today?"}

🌐 Stop stream response /api/stop
Stops the specified module's streaming response (stops yielding from /api/ask)
Request (POST):

Maximum content length: 100 bytes. Default rate limits: 1/second

Without authorization
"module": "Name of the module from MODULES"

With authorization

Please see 🔒 HTTPS server and token-based authorization section for more info

"module": "Name of the module from MODULES",
"token": "YourStrongRandomToken from --tokens-use argument"


✔️ If the stream stopped successfully: status code 200 and {} body
❌ Error codes 429, 401 or 413 in case of rate limit, wrong token or too large request
❌ In case of an error: status code 400 or 500 and {"error": "Error message"} body

$ curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"module": "chatgpt"}' http://localhost:1312/api/stop

🌐 Delete conversation /api/delete
Clears the module's conversation history

Please call /api/status to check if the module is initialized and not busy BEFORE calling /api/delete

Request (POST):

Maximum content length: 500 bytes. Default rate limits: 10/minute, 1/second

Without authorization

For ChatGPT:

"chatgpt": {
"conversation_id": "ID of conversation to delete or empty to delete the top one"

For Microsoft Copilot:

"ms_copilot": {
"conversation_id": "ID of conversation to delete or empty to delete the top one"

With authorization

Please see 🔒 HTTPS server and token-based authorization section for more info

For ChatGPT:

"chatgpt": {
"conversation_id": "ID of conversation to delete or empty to delete the top one"
"token": "YourStrongRandomToken from --tokens-use argument"

For Microsoft Copilot:

"ms_copilot": {
"conversation_id": "ID of conversation to delete or empty to delete the top one"
"token": "YourStrongRandomToken from --tokens-use argument"


✔️ If conversation deleted successfully: status code 200 and {} body
❌ Error codes 429, 401 or 413 in case of rate limit, wrong token or too large request
❌ In case of an error: status code 400 or 500 and {"error": "Error message"} body

$ curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"chatgpt": {"conversation_id": "1033be5b-d37d-46b3-b47c-9548da5b192c"}}' http://localhost:1312/api/delete

🌐 Close module /api/close
Requests the module's session to close (in a separate, non-blocking thread)

Please call /api/status to check if the module is initialized and its status is Idle or Failed BEFORE calling /api/close
After calling /api/close, please call /api/status to check if the module's closing finished

Request (POST):

Maximum content length: 500 bytes. Default rate limits: 10/minute, 1/second

Without authorization
"module": "Name of the module from MODULES"

With authorization

Please see 🔒 HTTPS server and token-based authorization section for more info

"module": "Name of the module from MODULES",
"token": "YourStrongRandomToken from --tokens-manage argument"


✔️ If requested successfully: status code 200 and {} body
❌ Error codes 429, 401 or 413 in case of rate limit, wrong token or too large request
❌ In case of an error: status code 400 or 500 and {"error": "Error message"} body

🔒 HTTPS server and token-based authorization

⚠️ Better use proper SSL service and redirect to local port
⚠️ Don't use token-based authorization with bare HTTP (without any SSL). It's not safe!

It's possible to start SSL (HTTPS) server instead of HTTP. For that, provide --ssl argument with path to certificate file and path to private key file.
$ lmao --configs "configs" --ip "" --port "1312" --ssl certificate.crt private.key
2024-04-19 02:09:10 INFO Logging setup is complete
2024-04-19 02:09:10 INFO Loading config files from configs directory
2024-04-19 02:09:10 INFO Adding config of ms_copilot module
2024-04-19 02:09:10 INFO Adding config of chatgpt module
2024-04-19 02:09:10 WARNING No tokens provided. Everyone can use API
2024-04-19 02:09:10 INFO Rate limits for all API requests except /status and /stop: 10/minute, 1/second
2024-04-19 02:09:10 INFO Rate limits /status and /stop API requests: 1/second
* Serving Flask app 'lmao.external_api'
* Debug mode: off
2024-04-19 02:09:10 INFO WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on all addresses (
* Running on
* Running on
2024-04-19 02:09:10 INFO Press CTRL+C to quit

Also you can enable token-based authorization. For that, provide --tokens-use argument with a list of some strong random tokens. Requests that provided these tokens can access /status, /ask, /stop and /delete. For /init and /stop, provide --tokens-manage argument with a list of some REALLY strong random tokens
⚠️ Make sure you provided at least one token to --tokens-manage if you're using --tokens-use. Otherwise EVERYONE CAN ACCESS /init and /stop
Example (tokens for /status, /ask, /stop and /delete: naixae3eeNao6suu, kahMeixoo9un9OhR. Token for /init and /stop: ofi2ohRi8maish4x):
$ lmao --configs "configs" --ip "" --port "1312" --ssl certificate.crt private.key --tokens-use naixae3eeNao6suu kahMeixoo9un9OhR --tokens-manage ofi2ohRi8maish4x
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO Logging setup is complete
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO Loading config files from configs directory
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO Adding config of ms_copilot module
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO Adding config of chatgpt module
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO Token-based authorization enabled. Provided 2 tokens-use
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO Token-based authorization enabled. Provided 1 tokens-manage
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO Rate limits for all API requests except /status and /stop: 10/minute, 1/second
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO Rate limits /status and /stop API requests: 1/second
* Serving Flask app 'lmao.external_api'
* Debug mode: off
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Running on all addresses (
* Running on
* Running on
2024-04-19 02:07:02 INFO Press CTRL+C to quit

🐛 How to fix Failed to establish a new connection when using multiple modules

Open venv/lib/python3.XX/site-packages/undetected_chromedriver/patcher.py
Add import secrets to the imports
In def __init__ change prefix = "undetected" to prefix = f"undetected{secrets.token_hex(4)}"
Save file and reload LMAO


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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