locobuzz-python-orm 1.0.7

Creator: bradpython12

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locobuzzpythonorm 1.0.7

Database ORM package
This package provide a way to implement the ORM using the sync and aysnc way and easily used with the
Install the package using pip:
pip install locobuzz-python-orm
pip install locobuzz-python-orm[dataframe]

Basic Usage
from database_helper.database.async_db import AsyncDatabase

connection_string = f"mssql+aioodbc://{username}:{encoded_password}@{host}/{database}?driver=ODBC+Driver+17+for+SQL+Server"
db = AsyncDatabase(connection_string, min_connections=1, max_connections=1)
query = text("SELECT * FROM mstCategories")

async with db as database:
result = await database.query_tuples(query)
print(result) # List of tuples output


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