log-everywhere 0.0.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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logeverywhere 0.0.1

log-everywhere Python API

Installing the package
Enter the following in your command line:
# if something isn't working properly, try rerunning this
# the problem may have been fixed with a newer version

pip3 install -U log-everywhere # MacOS/Linux
pip install -U log-everywhere # Windows

Using the log-everywhere package
python3 # MacOS/Linux
python # Windows

from log_everywhere import yield_logger
from log_everywhere import log

def do_important_things(log_locations):
num = 1 + 1
log(f'This function calculated num to be: {num}', log_locations)
product = num * 2
log(f'This function calculated the product of num multiplied by 2 to be: {product}', log_locations)
log( 'This function is now closing...', log_locations)

def main():
with yield_logger('name_of_my_log_file', log_silently=False) as log_locations:


To see why Python Standard Library's logging module was insufficient and creating a custom logger was necessary, see this modification in the yt_videos_list package. NOTE that the exact implementation differed slighlty in this commit (yield_logger() was named yield_file_writer()), and support for logging to both the console AND the log file wasn't added until this commit
Direct link to commits:

Simplify logging via custom context manager text writer
Always log to log file but allow console logging muting

To see more interesting logging modifications, see the significantly improves logging section nested within the details section of the yt_videos_list package 0.5.0 Release page!

Seeing all available functions for the log-everywhere package
python3 # MacOS/Linux
python # Windows

import log_everywhere

# OR

from log_everywhere import logger

import log_everywhere

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