logformatjson 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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logformatjson 0.1.0

logformatjson is a library that provides a simple JSON formatter for the standard python logging package. It allows for nested arbitrary metadata to be inserted at instantiation and run time. The library is opionanted but attempts to allow most opinions to be overridden.
warning: This library is under active development. The log format and API are expected to change.


via pip:

pip install logformatjson


basic usage - JSONFormatter can be set on any handler as your would expect:

import logging
import sys
from logformatjson import JSONFormatter

LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)

LOGGER.debug('this is my debug message', extra={'some_key': 'important_value'})
which produces the following json (from ipython):
"timestamp": "2016-02-19T19:39:17.061886",
"message": "this is my debug message",
"levelname": "DEBUG",
"metadata": {
"filename": "test.py",
"funcName": "<module>",
"extra": {
"some_key": "important_value"
"log_type": "python",
"lineno": 11,
"module": "test",
"pathname": "test.py"
"log_version": "1.0"

Adding an additional metadata in every log entry:

log_handler.setFormatter(JSONFormatter(metadata={'application_version': '1.0.0'}))

Overriding the defaults at instantiation:

Override attributes copied or skipped from the LogRecord:

log_handler.setFormatter(JSONFormatter(kept_attrs= ['created', …]))
log_handler.setFormatter(JSONFormatter(skipped_attrs= ['filename', …]))

Override the provided json encoder:

def my_json_encoder(obj):
return int(obj)

log_handler.setFormatter(JSONFormatter(json_encoder = my_json_encoder))

Override the defaults at runtime:

Log type (intended to be mixed with extra fields):

logger.debug('GET / HTTP/1.1', log_type='HTTP'}

Extra fields:

LOGGER.debug('this is my debug message', extra={'some_key': 'important_value'})

Tests can be run via make:
make lint
make test


Ryan Richard <ryan@kumoru.io>


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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