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logpilot 0.2.1
logpilot is a project to extend python standard logging to offer customizing ability.
pip install logpilot
Log format
we only support format like this:
# Log Format
# %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS 2016-01-01 00:00:00.000
# %(filename)s
# %(pathname)s Full path
# %(funcName)s
# %(levelname)s
# %(lineno)d
# %(module)s
# %(message)s
# %(name)s
# %(processName)s
# %(threadName)s
# %(hostname)s FQDN
# %(uuid)s custom uuid
# %(elapsed)s (ms)
How to use
from logpilot.log import Log
log = Log.get_logger(__name__)
class Example(object):
def __init__(self):"this is a test for logpilot", uuid="2b24bad1c5df6b4551768fe09ae877b893fc35505847e80f119c395bca27", elapsed=256)
example log
2016-11-17 14:35:59|DEBUG|__main__||11|test2_log|__init__|MainProcess|MainThread|this is a test for logpilot|localhost|2b24bad1c5df6b4551768fe09ae877b893fc35505847e80f119c395bca27|256
How to set global uuid
from logpilot.log import Log
log = Log.get_logger(__name__, uuid='hsdfhkd')"this is a test logpilot", elapsed=8888)'hahah', uuid='5678')
log.debug(msg="android world", elapsed=234)
# notice that uuid also can be override
log.error(msg="ios world", uuid='jaj', elapsed=99)
How to change log level
default DEBUG
import logging
from logpilot.log import Log
log = Log.get_logger('test2222')
class Test(object):
def __init__(self):"this is a test logpilot", hahah='hooooo.', age=10000, fake_key='not valid')
if __name__ == '__main__':
from logpilot.log import Log
a = Test()
log.debug(msg="this is a test logpilot", hahah='hooooo.', uuid="1234567890")
-[ ] custom format
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