logstash-python-formatter 0.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

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logstashpythonformatter 0.1.2

Python logging formatter for creating log entries in a JSON logstash-friendly format.
Supports renaming of python default logging fields to logstash friendly names (e.g: renaming asctime to @timestamp)
LogstashFormatter can receive the following arguments:

fmt, list or tuple containing the fields to include in each entry. Defaults to [“asctime”, “levelname”, “filename”, “funcName”, “msg”, “exc_info”].
datefmt, date format string to be passed to formatTime(). Defaults to ISO8601 time format.
rename, dictionary containing mapping of { key: new_key } to be renamed. Defaults to { “asctime”: “@timestamp” }.
version, version as for the @version attribute used in Logstash. Defaults to “1”.

Sample output
"@timestamp": "2016-09-28T16:24:24,799",
"@version": "1",
"exc_info": null,
"filename": "<ipython-input-21-de248ad5b09c>",
"funcName": "<module>",
"levelname": "INFO",
"message": "This is a normal message to be logged"

Add LogstashFormatter as the formatter of your handler, as usual:
self.logger = logging.getLogger()
self.handler = logging.StreamHandler()

Using in Django
Include logstash formatter in your settings file:
'formatters': {
'logstash': {
'()': 'logstash_formatter.LogstashFormatter',
'format': ("asctime", "levelname", "name", "lineno", "message",
"pathname", "module", "funcName", "process",),
'datefmt': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',
'rename': {
'asctime': '@timestamp',
'version': '1'


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