loguru-discord 1.4.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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logurudiscord 1.4.0


Lightweight sink for Loguru that sends logs to Discord via webhook.

Construct a handler with your preferred options, then add a new sink to Loguru.
Support is guaranteed only for Python 3.12 or greater.
Once this requirement is met, simply install via your package manager of choice.
pip install loguru-discord

The following code is a complete example which demonstrates:

Constructing a handler
Adding the handler as a Loguru sink
Catching an exception and firing a log

from loguru import logger
from loguru_discord import DiscordSink


value: float = 1 / 0
except Exception as e:
logger.opt(exception=e).error("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")

Upon constructing your handler, the following optional customizations are available via keyword arguments.

Username: Username to use for the Discord Webhook message.
Avatar: Image URL to use for the Discord Webhook message.
Embed: Toggle whether to use plain codeblock formatting or rich embeds.
Truncate: Toggle whether to trim lengthy logs instead of uploading as a file.
Suppress: Prevent specific Exception types from being sent to Discord.

Loguru-Discord follows Semantic Versioning for tagging releases of the project.
Bug fixes and optimizations are always welcome. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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