logyca 0.1.18

Creator: codyrutscher

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logyca 0.1.18

LOGYCA public libraries

About us

LOGYCA Company
LOGYCA Youtube Channel

LOGYCA public libraries

Traversal libraries: Standard methods to be used by microservices.
Return codes: Standard methods for reporting result status codes using APIResult.
Monitoring: Standard methods to report check health status codes.
Helpers: Standard methods to be used. *

Source code
| Package (PyPI)
| Samples
| Unit tests

"pip install" dependency check
The user must select the required libraries and versions for the project that uses this library, which validates that they are pre-installed in order to be installed.
To install the libraries of the logyca package (APIResult,Health) verifying the pydantic,pytz prerequisite without validating other packages, use the following command:
# Check pydantic dependency that is installed
pip install logyca

To install the fastapi package libraries and logyca authentication dependency injection, use the following command:
# Check the aiohttp dependency that is installed, for use with oauth authentication, e.g. single sign-on (SSO).
pip install logyca[oauth_token]
# Check the fastapi dependency that is installed, for use with Api-key authentication.
pip install logyca[api_key_simple_auth]
# Check the fastapi dependency that is installed, for use with Api-key and oauth authentication.
pip install logyca[oauth_token-api_key_simple_auth]

Semantic Versioning
logyca < MAJOR >.< MINOR >.< PATCH >

MAJOR: version when you make incompatible API changes
MINOR: version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner
PATCH: version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes

Definitions for releasing versions


X.YaN (Alpha release): Identify and fix early-stage bugs. Not suitable for production use.
X.YbN (Beta release): Stabilize and refine features. Address reported bugs. Prepare for official release.
X.YrcN (Release candidate): Final version before official release. Assumes all major features are complete and stable. Recommended for testing in non-critical environments.
X.Y (Final release/Stable/Production): Completed, stable version ready for use in production. Full release for public use.

Quick install
# Windows
python -m pip install logyca
# Linux
pip install logyca

Example of concepts using library APIResult
# Example output from ApiResult:
"resultToken": {
"token": "",
"refreshToken": "",
"result": "",
"emailActiveDirectory": "",
"message": ""
"resultObject": [
"name": "Database server",
"status": 0,
"description": "Connection status fine"
"name": "Redis server",
"status": 0,
"description": "Connection status fine"
"apiException": {
"message": "",
"isError": false,
"detail": null,
"status": 200,
"logycaStatus": 0
"resultMessage": "",
"dataError": false

Use cases: you must catch de exception

if you get data only the token:

"resultToken":"Not Null"

if you get data correctly

"resultObject"="Not Null"

if you don't get because the operation was cancelled

"resultMessage":"exception messages: the operation was cancelled"

[optional]apiException.message="if needed, return an object with structured failure data other than exception messages"
Example of using library APIResult + Health Check
from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
from logyca import HealthEnum, LogycaStatusEnum, APIResultDTO, ApiFilterExceptionDTO, HTTPExceptionDTO, HealthDTO, TokensDTO
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
import json

def example_service():
tokensDTO.token='Token Example'


httpExceptionDTO.detail='No Problem'


listHealth.append(HealthDTO(name='Check CPU',status=HealthEnum.Ok,description='OK').__dict__)
listHealth.append(HealthDTO(name='Check Connect DB',status=HealthEnum.Warning,description='Warning').__dict__)
listHealth.append(HealthDTO(name='Check Connect Storage',status=HealthEnum.Critical,description='Critical').__dict__)


return apiResultDTO

def simulator_api_return():
apiResultDTO = example_service()
content = jsonable_encoder(apiResultDTO)
return JSONResponse(content=content,status_code=200)


# output sample
# {
# "resultToken": {
# "token": "Token Example",
# "refreshToken": "",
# "result": "",
# "emailActiveDirectory": "",
# "message": ""
# },
# "resultObject": [
# {
# "name": "Check CPU",
# "status": 0,
# "description": "OK"
# },
# {
# "name": "Check Connect DB",
# "status": 1,
# "description": "Warning"
# },
# {
# "name": "Check Connect Storage",
# "status": 2,
# "description": "Critical"
# }
# ],
# "apiException": {
# "message": "",
# "isError": false,
# "detail": null,
# "status": 409,
# "logycaStatus": 6
# },
# "resultMessage": "No Problem",
# "dataError": false
# }

Example of using helpers
from logyca import buildUrl,convertDateTimeStampUTCtoUTCColombia

# ouput
# buildUrl=https://domain.com/api/get

# output
# datetimeUTCColombia=2023-03-25 02:25:09-05:00

Example of using Logger
At the root of the project, the logs folder is created and the types of errors are differentiated by different files.
# main.py
from logyca import Logger, ConstantsLogger
logger = Logger(logger_name=ConstantsLogger.NAME,log_dir=FOLDER_LOGS,log_file_name=f"{App.Settings.NAME}")

# Other files.py
from logyca import Logger, ConstantsLogger
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(ConstantsLogger.NAME)


Current library test
# Library installation

# Windows
python -m pip install logyca[test]
# Linux
pip install logyca

# Run it
pytest -s

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Types of changes

Added for new features.
Changed for changes in existing functionality.
Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
Removed for now removed features.
Fixed for any bug fixes.
Security in case of vulnerabilities.

[0.1.9] - 2024-05-21

New logger functionality.
new authentication functionality in fastapi by dependency injection with api-key, to be used on endpoints.
new authentication functionality in fastapi by dependency injection with oauth (single sign on), to be used on endpoints.
In the samples folder of this library, there are complete working examples of using the code.

[0.1.8] - 2023-10-03

Due to a link error in the readme to internal documents in pypi, we chose to leave the changelog at the end of the readme.

[0.1.7] - 2023-10-02

The url address for the logyca logo is corrected
Adjust return code for LogycaStatusEnum class: LogycaStatusEnum.Created==HTTPStatus.CREATED
Adjust return code for LogycaStatusEnum class: LogycaStatusEnum.InProcess==HTTPStatus.ACCEPTED
Adjust return code for LogycaStatusEnum class: LogycaStatusEnum.Partial==HTTPStatus.ACCEPTED
Empty files init.py removed

[0.1.6] - 2023-09-11

Pydantic restriction for versions lower than 2.0 is removed

[0.1.5] - 2023-03-27

Release ready for production

[0.1.6-9] - 2024-5-21<

new features such as: logging, helpers for fastapi

[0.1.10] - 2024-05-23

Documentation improvements.
Documentation integrated with github

[0.1.11] - 2024-05-24

add print info deprecated in convert_string_to_boolean()


new parse_bool() function that will replace convert_string_to_boolean()

[0.1.12-13] - 2024-06-13

Oauth fix

[0.1.13] - 2024-06-20

New Logger feature to rotate backup logs and allow them to be written.

[0.1.14] - 2024-07-02

New APIResultDTOExternal feature to Scheme output

[0.1.15] - 2024-07-05

Updated LogycaStatusEnum for starlette library use
Correction of exception handlers.

[0.1.16] - 2024-07-12

For object classes like APIResultDTO and others, the to_dict() function is added to be able to serialize the attributes to json in a simple way.
Added object serialization example.

[0.1.17] - 2024-07-22

APIResultDTO fixes the data=False error external of the init constructor.

[0.1.18] - 2024-08-16

Example of auth apkey with dockerfile and dependencies that were missing when installing the library is added.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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