lookups 0.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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lookups 0.3.0

lookups - Find object instances
DCI lookups for Python (inspired by Netbeans Platform Lookups API)
A lookup is like a dict where you can store object instances as values. And the search keys are their type classes.
But lookups implements a bit more than that:

You can also lookup by parent class and not just the most subclasses of an instance.
You can get hold of a lookups.Result, which allows you to register a listener for a given class search. You will be notified when an instance of that class is added/removed from the lookup.
Deferred instanciation with lookups.Convertor. That is, an 'instance' can appear in a lookup but not be instanciated until it is actually used (ie. looked up). Useful for heavy objects or plugins.
lookups.Item can provide you with additional info on an instance: display string, persistence ID string, type, and instance itself.

This is the most basic but versatile and dynamic lookup. (HINT: For Java folks, it corresponds to your AbstractLookup ;-) ).
It comes in two main parts:

lookups.InstanceContent provide write-access to the lookup: add/set/remove instances.
lookups.GenericLookup provide read-access to search in the lookup.

from lookups import InstanceContent, GenericLookup

my_content = InstanceContent()
my_lookup = GenericLookup(my_content)

# Adds some objects
class ParentClass:

class ChildClass(ParentClass):

parent = ParentClass()
child1 = ChildClass()
child2 = ChildClass()


# lookup(cls): get first matching instance
# a_match will be any of parent, child1 or child2
a_parent_match = my_lookup.lookup(ParentClass)

# lookup_all(cls): get all matching instances
# all_parent_matches is an immutable sequence
# of parent, child1 and child2
all_parent_matches = my_lookup.lookup_all(ParentClass)
# all_children_matches is an immutable sequence
# of child1 and child2
all_children_matches = my_lookup.lookup_all(ChildClass)

# lookup_result(cls): get a Result object for the searched class
parent_result = my_lookup.lookup_result(ParentClass)
# all_instances(): all instances corresponding to the searched
# class (ie. similar to plain lookup_all())
# all_classes(): Immutable set of all types in the result.
# Here it would be set(ParentClass, ChildClass)

# Lookup result listener
def call_me_back(result):
print('Result changed. Instances are now', result.all_instances())



# -> This will invoke call_me_back()
# You can also provide a `concurrent.futures.Executor` when
# creating the content to control how the listeners are called:
# InstanceContent(notify_in: Executor = None).

Other lookups

lookups.Lookup.get_default(): The default lookup in a system.
lookups.ProxyLookup: A lookup that merge results from several lookups.
lookups.DelegatedLookup: A lookup that redirects to another (dynamic) lookup, through a LookupProvider.
lookups.EntryPointLookup: A lookup loading its instances from a setuptools entry point group (ie. provided by any installed package).
lookups.fixed: Simple unmodifiable lookup. Content is set at creation time. Will be one of:

lookup.SimpleLookup: A basic lookup with a static content.
lookups.singleton: Unmodifiable lookup that contains just one fixed object.
lookups.EmptyLookup: A lookup containing nothing.

Individual Contributors
A list of people who have contributed to Lookups in order of their first
Format: Name-or-Well-known-alias <email@domain.tld> (url)

Axel Voitier axel.voitier@gmail.com

Please, add yourself when you contribute!
Original Netbeans authors of Lookup API

Jaroslav Tulach - Lookup API, AbstractLookup, InstanceContent, ArrayStorage
Marian Petras - Singleton lookup
David Strupl - Common lookup implementations

0.3.0 - XX XXXXXXXX 2021

Adds a EntryPointLookup.
Adds a DelegatedLookup.
Adds a ProxyLookup.
Adds a proper resolution for system default lookup Lookup.get_default().
Fixes issue with listeners registration disappearing immediately when using object-bound methods.
Content of a GenericLookup can now behave like a Container (ie. you can do things like "obj in content").
When an instance is not hashable, provides an alternative using id() of the object in order to be
able to store it in a hash-based storage (set, dictionary).
New syntactic sugar: call directly a lookup object as shortcut for the lookup method. Ie.,
instead of writing "lookup.lookup(...)" you can now write "lookup(...)".
Missing declared dependency in typing_extensions.
Abstract methods now raise NotImplementedError

0.2.0 - 06 February 2020

Provides GenericLookup and InstanceContent, based on SetStorage. These are the first dynamic
lookups. They are based on Netbeans' AbstractLookup, InstanceContent and ArrayStorage.
Lookup listeners are just simple callables now.
Follows PEP 561 for packages providing typing information.
Improved quality assurance process (using Github Workflow as CI).
First (proto-)documentation.

0.1.0 - 18 May 2019

Initial dump of code.
Defines the public API for lookups.
Provides fixed lookup: members are defined at instantiation time and never change.
Provides singleton lookup: only one member defined at instantiation time and never change.
Provides empty lookup: a special lookup with nothing in it.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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