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luamb 0.5.0
(🌑) luamb
Lua environment manager built on top of hererocks and inspired by virtualenvwrapper.
Supported shells
Install luamb using pip:
pip install [--user] luamb
or pipx:
pipx install luamb
Set up your shell — add the following to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:
source <(luamb shellsrc)
Install hererocks:
luamb update
luamb is configured via environment variables.
A directory where luamb stores its data (hererocks, environments, etc.). The default value is $XDG_DATA_HOME/luamb (usually ~/.local/share/luamb) on Linux and ~/Library/Application Support/luamb on macOS.
A directory where luamb stores environments. The default value is $LUAMB_HOME/envs.
A default Lua interpreter/version. The format is interpreter version_specifier, e.g., lua 5.3, luajit @v2.1, moonjit /path/to, raptorjit latest.
A default LuaRocks version, e.g, latest, 3.11.0.
Set to true to disable shell completions.
If the luamb executable is not in PATH, set LUAMB_PYTHON_BIN to the Python executable with the luamb package installed and change the shell initialization command:
export LUAMB_PYTHON_BIN=/path/to/bin/python
source <("$LUAMB_PYTHON_BIN" -m luamb shellsrc)
Create an environment 'myproject' with the latest Lua 5.2, the latest LuaRocks and associate it with /home/user/projects/myproject:
luamb mk myproject -l 5.2 -r latest -a /home/user/projects/myproject
Create an environment 'jittest' with LuaJIT 2.0.4, without LuaRocks and associate it with /home/user/projects/jitproj:
luamb mk jittest -j 2.0.4 -a /home/user/projects/jitproj
Set the latest LuaJIT 2.0 and the latest LuaRocks as default versions:
export LUAMB_LUA_DEFAULT='luajit 2.0'
Create an environment 'newenv' with the default versions and without associated project directory:
luamb mk newenv
Create an environment 'norocks' with the default Lua version and without LuaRocks (verbose mode):
luamb mk norocks --no-luarocks --verbose
Activate the 'newenv' environment:
luamb on newenv
Deactivate the current environment:
luamb off
Delete the 'myproject' environment (it will remove the environment directory only, not the project one):
luamb rm myproject
on | enable | activate — activate an environment
off | disable | deactivate — deactivate the current environment
mk | new | create — create a new environment
rm | remove | del | delete — remove an environment
info | show — Show the details for a single virtualenv
ls | list — list all of the environments
update — install/update the hererocks script
shellsrc — print the shell initialization code
Version history
The MIT License.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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