macos-tags 1.5.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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macostags 1.5.1

Use tags to organize files on Mac from Python

pip install macos-tags

Works since Python 3.7.
Get all tags:
>>> import macos_tags

>>> macos_tags.tags()
[Tag(name='design', color=<Color.NONE: 0>), ..., Tag(name='python', color=<Color.GREEN: 2>]

Get files by tag name:
>>> macos_tags.find("design")
['/Users/home/apple.jpg', '/Users/home/WEB_POSTERS.png']

Count files by tag name:
>>> macos_tags.count("design")

List the tags on the file:
>>> path = "/path/to/file"

>>> macos_tags.get_all(path)
[Tag(name='design', color=<Color.NONE: 0>), Tag(name='python', color=<Color.GREEN: 2>]

Add a tag to file:
>>> macos_tags.add("design", file=path)

When using str objects to define a tag, if a tag does not exist in the system, it will be added without a color label.

Add a new color tag by using Tag data class and Color enumeration:
>>> from macos_tags import Tag, Color

>>> tag = Tag(name="python", color=Color.GREEN)

>>> macos_tags.add(tag, file=path)

Add a new color tag using the str object, where the tag name and color number (from 1 to 7) are separated by the literal \n:
>>> tag = f"python\n{Color.GREEN}" # == "python\n2"

>>> macos_tags.add(tag, file=path)

If the tag already exists in the system with a different color, the new color will be ignored.

Remove tag from file:
>>> macos_tags.remove(tag, file=path)

Remove all tags from a file at once:
>>> macos_tags.remove_all(path)

Change all tags in the file:
>>> macos_tags.get_all(path)
[Tag(name='design', color=<Color.NONE: 0>), Tag(name='python', color=<Color.GREEN: 2>]

>>> new_tags = [Tag("book"), Tag("programming", Color.BLUE)]

>>> macos_tags.set_all(new_tags, file=path)

>>> macos_tags.get_all(path)
[Tag(name="book", color=<Color.NONE: 0>), Tag("programming", <Color.BLUE: 4>]



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