macprefs 0.3.4

Creator: railscoder56

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macprefs 0.3.4


Export and keep track of changes to your preferences.
How to use
Usage: prefs-export [OPTIONS]

Export preferences.

-K, --deploy-key FILE Key for pushing to Git repository.
-c, --commit Commit the changes with Git.
-d, --debug Enable debug logging.
-o, --output-directory DIRECTORY
Where to store the exported data.
--help Show this message and exit.

prefs-export is the main utility. You can export preferences, generate a
~/.macos-like script, and store the
results in a Git repository.
My primary usage is like so:
prefs-export -o ~/.config/defaults -c

About the generated shell script
A shell script named will exist in the output directory. It may be executed, but
is primarily for copying defaults commands for use in your actual ~/.macos file.
Filtered domains and keys
Certain domains are filtered because they generally do not have anything useful to preserve, such
as which only has a cache of Emoji usage data.
Some keys are filtered, as they contain values that often changing and non-useful values such as
session IDs and UI state (e.g. QtUi.MainWin(Geometry|State|Pos|Size),
NSStatusItem Preferred Position).
Automated usage
A command macprefs-install-job is included which will install a daily launchd job. The job name is
Usage: macprefs-install-job [OPTIONS]

Job installer.

-K, --deploy-key FILE Key for pushing to Git repository.
-o, --output-directory DIRECTORY
Where to store the exported data.
--help Show this message and exit.

If the output directory has a .git directory, a commit will be automatically made. Be aware that
files will be added and removed automatically.
To stop this job permanently, run launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/sh.tat.macprefs.plist.
To uninstall this job, after stopping permanently, delete ~/Library/LaunchAgents/sh.tat.macprefs.plist.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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