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meduza 20.7.2
A simple Python module that wraps the API. (read about Meduza on Buzzfeed)
pip install meduza
Get an article:
>>> url = ""
>>> article = meduza.get(url)
>>> article["title"]
'The Real Russia. Today.'
>>> article["second_title"]
"Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki, the ‘Deep State’ consensus, and Pussy Riot's heart-to-heart with the police"
Get the latest articles on this section:
# English version:
>>> for article in meduza.section('news', n=3, lang='en'):
... print(f" - '{article['title']}'")
- 'Chechnya’s ruler has a stable full of prize-winning race horses, but you’d never know it, looking at his income declarations'
- 'Russian musicians are being forced to cancel their concerts across the country, which makes now the perfect time to listen to their music'
- 'The Real Russia. Today.'
# Russian version:
>>> for article in meduza.section('news', n=3, lang='ru'):
... print(f" - '{article['title']}'")
- 'Путина спросили про пенсионную реформу. Он ответил, что ему все не нравится'
- 'В Екатеринбурге открыли барельеф с «условными» Дзержинским и Сталиным (или Кагановичем)'
- 'Новая иллюзия: круги, раскрашенные в четыре разных цвета (на самом деле нет)'
Search articles by key words:
# English version:
>>> for article in'Indigenous', n=3, lang='en'):
... print(f" - '{article['title']}'")
- 'Indigenous scholar commits self-immolation in Ural city to protest language death'
- '‘This is the land of our ancestors’'
- 'Trial by fire'
# Russian version:
>>> for article in'языка коренного', n=3, lang='ru'):
... print(f" - '{article['title']}'")
- 'Острова Кука собрались сменить название'
- 'Последний аргумент в длинном споре'
- 'При пожаре в Национальном музее Бразилии погиб архив языков коренных народов. Некоторые из них больше никто не знает'
You can find available tags and sections in constants:
>>> meduza.EN_SECTIONS
>>> meduza.EN_TAGS
('news', 'like it or not', 'games')
>>> meduza.RU_SECTIONS
('news', 'articles', 'shapito', 'razbor', 'games', 'podcasts')
>>> meduza.RU_TAGS
('новости', 'истории', 'разбор', 'шапито', 'игры', 'подкасты', 'партнерский материал')
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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