minidir 0.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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minidir 0.1.3

minidir: Minimal directory interface and implementation
The minimal interface for directories and files and
two implementations: in-memory and real file system versions.
It's a good choice when we want to separate file-access side effects from
pure functional part of our code base.
Already published on Pypi
pip install minidir


Interface: Directory -> Path, File

Directory is the container where we access File by Path


SystemDirectory: a Directory backed by real file system.
FakeDirectory: a Directory only exists in-memory.

Some error like NameCollision and NotFound will be raised in corresponding situations.
import minidir

class SomeClass:
folder: minidir.Directory

def __init__(self, folder: minidir.Directory) -> None:
# inject directory to separate side effect from core logic

def main():
# use actual file system during production
instance = SomeClass(minidir.SystemDirectory("/path/to/root"))

def test_some_class():
# use in-memory implementation during test
instance = SomeClass(minidir.FakeDirectory())

Future Work

Implementations for network-oriented storage, e.g. WebDAV, S3, Dropbox ...
Stream based file read / write interface.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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