minimal-podcasts-player 0.4.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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minimalpodcastsplayer 0.4.0

Minimal Podcasts Player

Subscribe, listen and (in the future) download your favorite podcasts, quickly and easily.
Available for Linux, Windows and Mac.
Licensed under GNU/GPL3 or higher.
Note: this project is still under development, so some features are not yet available or complete.
From source code:

Clone the repo, download the zip under Code -> Download ZIP or download the last release.

Open a terminal and go to the project folder.

Install the dependencies:

From PIP (with administration permissions): pip install -r requirements.txt

Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux:

apt: apt install python3-pyqt5, python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia, libqt5multimedia5, libqt5multimedia5-plugins
Pypi: pip3 install podcastparser

Arch Linux/Manjaro:

pacman: python-pip python-podcastparser python-pyqt5 qt5-multimedia
Pypi pip install

Copy bin/minimal-podcasts-player.desktop to /usr/share/applications

Copy bin/minimal-podcasts-player.svg to /usr/share/pixmaps


Install Python, or Conda/Miniconda.
Open a terminal (cmd or Poweshell) and execute pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: if you use Conda/Miniconda, DON'T install the package pyqt from conda and conda-forge repositories, install it from Pypi, since the one installed from them does not include the libraries for multimedia playback.

From Pypi:
pip install minimal-podcasts-player
You can download a AppImage for GNU/Linux and executable for Windows on releases page
If you use Arch Linux, Manjaro or other Arch based distros a package is avaliable on AUR
Other credits:

App icon (temporary) make by BedexpStock and licensed under Pixabay License

no-cover.svg image make by me using a Material Design Icons from Google and licensed under Apache license version 2.0.

Especial mentions:

Engels Tercero from the Telegram group SystemInside, for helping me package the Mac OS X application.
Thanks to David Linares, member of SystemInside's Telegram group for report the bug and provide several ideas.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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