minmon 0.9.9

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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minmon 0.9.9

usage: minmon [-h] [-V] [-s SECONDS] [-f FORMAT] [-t]

MINimal MONitor - write and graph: date, time, memory, CPU, temperature, disk i/o and net i/o

MINMON writes on standard output at fixed time intervals a line built
according to the characters in -f --format argument:

• 'y': Date as 'YYYY-mm-dd'
• 'h': Time as 'HH:MM:SS'
• 'm': Memory and Swap % usage as two 2-characters decimal numbers
('**' = 100)
• 'M': Memory and Swap % usage as a 21-characters '0-50-100' linear
graph ('M' = Memory, 'S' = Swap, 'X' = both)
• 'c': CPU % usage and Temperature °C (Celsius degrees)as two
2-characters decimal numbers ('**' = 100)
• 'C': CPU % usage and Temperature °C as a 21-characters '0-50-100'
linear graph ('C' = CPU, 'T' = temperature, 'X' = both)
• 'r': disk Read and Write B/s (bytes per second) as two human-readable
5-characters numbers ('K' = 2 ** 10 = 1024, 'M' = 2 ** 20 = 1024 **
2, 'G' = 2 ** 30 = 1024 ** 3, 'T' = 2 ** 40 = 1024 ** 4)
• 'R': disk Read and Write B/s (bytes per second) as a 19-characters
'1-K-M-G' logarithmic graph ('R' = Read, 'W' = write, 'X' = both)
• 'd': network Download and Upload in B/s (bytes per second) as two
human-readable 5-characters numbers
• 'D': network Download and Upload in B/s (bytes per second) as a
19-characters '1-K-M-G' logarithmic graph ('D' = Download, 'U' =
Upload, 'X' = both)

MINMON is minimal as it has a minimal RAM (6 MB) and CPU footprint.

To stop the program press Ctrl-C.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-s SECONDS, --seconds SECONDS
interval in seconds as an integer greater than 0
(default: '1')
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
output format (default: 'yhmMcCrRdD')
-t, --tera-byte extended 25-characters '1-K-M-G-T' logarithmic scale
(default: 19-characters '1-K-M-G')


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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