mkdocs-pygments 0.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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mkdocspygments 0.0.1

MkDocs Pygments

Highlighting themes for code blocks.
This project is available to sponsors only, through my Insiders program.
See Insiders explanation
and installation instructions.
Configure it in mkdocs.yml:
# mkdocs.yml
- pygments:
light: autumn
dark: github-dark

To know which themes are available, you can either read our docs,
or use a theme that doesn't exist, to abort the build with an error
and a message listing the available themes:
# mkdocs.yml
- pygments:
light: wodjweofijwqefd
dark: github-dark

$ mkdocs serve
INFO - Building documentation...
INFO - Cleaning site directory
ERROR - pygments: Unknown theme: 'wodjweofijwqefd'. Available themes:
abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, bw, borland, coffee,
colorful, default, dracula, emacs, friendly_grayscale, friendly,
fruity, github-dark, gruvbox-dark, gruvbox-light, igor, inkpot,
lightbulb, lilypond, lovelace, manni, material, monokai, murphy,
native, nord-darker, nord, one-dark, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light,
pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash, rrt, sas, solarized-dark,
solarized-light, staroffice, stata-dark, stata-light,
tango, trac, vim, vs, xcode, zenburn

It's possible to instruct MkDocs Pygments
to ignore the background color set by a theme,
in order to make it work for both light and dark
color schemes.
For example, to use the autumn style (which is a light theme),
for both light and dark schemes while adapting the background color:
# mkdocs.yml
- pygments:
light: autumn
respect_light_background: true # default value
dark: autumn
respect_dark_background: false

To use the github-dark style (which is a dark theme),
for both light and dark schemes while adapting the background color:
# mkdocs.yml
- pygments:
light: github-dark
respect_light_background: false
dark: github-dark

By default, the background color is respected,
so you don't have to actually specify respect_<light/dark>_background: true.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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