mlOpus 0.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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mlOpus 0.3.0


A collection of MLOps tools for AI/ML/DS research and development.
Main features:

Agnostic experiment tracking and model registry:

Compatible with any "MLflow-like" provider through plugins.
Search entities in MongoDB Query Language with predicate push-down to the MLflow provider.
Local cache for artifacts and entity metadata.
Offline mode to work with local cache only.
Support for nested tags/params/metrics and JSON-encoded tags/params for non-scalar types.
Not dependent on env vars, global vars or a single global active run.

Artifact Schemas:

Packaging framework for models and datasets.
Can be used with or without MLflow and/or Kedro.
Schemas can be registered by alias at the experiment, run, model or model version.
Artifacts catalog for type-safe, configuration-based artifact loading/downloading in serving applications.

Extended Kedro support:

Dynamic pipeline and hook evaluation with direct access to the Kedro config loader.
Artifact Schemas can be used in the Kedro datasets catalog.
Extend the Kedro CLI with project-specific options, callbacks and param modifiers.
Artifacts hook to set up pipeline inputs and/or collect outputs (optionally schema-aware).
Highly customizable MLflow tracker hook for storing any pipeline information in experiment runs.

Check the tutorials
for a friendly walkthrough of (almost) everything you can do with MLOpus.
Have a look at the architecture guide
for an overview of how these and other features work.
A minimal API reference is also available here.
Recommended software:

Rclone CLI (required for artifact transfer from/to cloud storage)

Optional extras:

mlflow: Enables support for the default MLflow plugin, which handles communication with open-source MLflow servers.
search: Enables searching entities with MongoDB query syntax
kedro: Enables Kedro tools (e.g.: hooks, datasets, CLI extensions, etc)

Using pip:
pip install mlopus[mlflow,kedro,search]

Using Poetry:
poetry add mlopus --extras "mlflow,kedro,search"

Using UV:
uv add mlopus --extra mlflow --extra kedro --extra search


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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