moat-kv-ha 0.5.3

Creator: bradpython12

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moatkvha 0.5.3

This is a link between Home Assistant and Moat-KV.
It will

set up standard config for Home Assistant in MoaT-KV
have command-line support to register (or not) devices

Principle of Operation
Home Assistant talks via MQTT. MoaT-KV has a quite versatile MQTT adapter.
Thus we can store Home Assistant’s entitiy configuration, plus their state,
plus the commands Home Assisant issues to get things to change their state,
in MoaT-KV.
MQTT can only transmit binary data. DistHASS thus creates a few codecs that
support binary data (translating them to on/off), integers/floats, and JSON.
Thus, bottom to top:

Mosquitto on port 51883

basic installation, does not need persistence or retained messages
Serf would work, but it imposes additional delays

MoaT-KV, using Mosquitto as a backbone

a special user with conversion rules for JSON etc.


retained messages are stored in MoaT-KV
transparent channels to forward MQTT messages unmodified, if required
anything else is broadcast as a MoaT-KV message
uses port 1883

Home Assistant, or anything else MQTTish for that matter

must use MQTT 3.11

If you have devices that only can use MQTT 3.1, you can teach them to talk
directly to Mosquitto, via a transparent range.


Run moat kv ha init -i
Add a MoaT-KV user for Home Assistant and set its conv parameter to hassco:
moat kv auth user param NAME conv hassco

Start Moat-MQTT with something like this configuration:
host: ''
port: 27586
auth: "password name=NAME password=PASSWORD"
topic: [mqtt, msg]
- [home,ass,event]
- [home,ass,state]
retain: [home, ass]
max-connections: 500
type: tcp
timeout-disconnect-delay: 2
plugins: ['auth_anonymous']
allow-anonymous: true
If you have devices that use MQTT directly, modify the
transparent list to include your current MQTT prefixes.

Modify Home Assistant’s MQTT integration to do autodiscovery.
If you’ve set it up via the GUI, the file you need is
.storage/core.config_entries. Find the entry with "domain": "mqtt" and modify its data entry to read:
"data": {
"broker": "",
"discovery": true,
"discovery_prefix": "home/ass/dyn",
"port": 1883,

Run moat kv ha conv.
This teaches MoaT-KV to auto-convert the Home Assistant data so that
everything in MoaT-KV sees binary states as booleans, temperatures are
floats, the configuration’s JSON is a real data structure, and so on.
Without this conversion, it’s all strings. We don’t want that.

Restart Home Assistant.
Run moat kv ha add light foo bar.
A new light should show up in the Home Assistant GUI.
You can try to turn it on, but it will go off by itself a second or two
later because there’s no device yet.

Run moat kv ha state light foo bar True.
This command changes the state manually.
In Home Assistant, the light’s indicator turns on.

Adding an actual device that monitors the light’s MoaT-KV command entry / its
[MoaT-KV-]MQTT command topic, actually affects the hardware, and changes the
state, is your job.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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