molecule-libvirt 0.0.6

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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moleculelibvirt 0.0.6

Molecule libvirt is designed to allow use of libvirt for provisioning test
Please note that this driver is currently in its early stage of development,
do not even try to install or use it until this message is removed.


pip install molecule-libvirt

Create a scenario
With a new role
molecule init role -d libvirt my-role
This will create a new folder my-role containing a bare-bone generated
role like you would do with ansible-galaxy init command.
It will also contain a molecule folder with a default scenario
using the libvirt driver (using ansible community.libvirt collection).
Install the collection using:
ansible-galaxy install -r test_requirements.yml.

This is a molecule.yml example file
name: galaxy
name: libvirt
- name: instance-1
cpu: 1
cpu_model: "qemu64"
image_url: ""
disk_size: "10G"
ssh_port: 22
memory_size: "1" # in GB
- name: instance-2
memory: "1"
cpus: 1
image_url: ""
libvirt_host: "server.home.lan"
libvirt_user: "james"
bridge_name: "bridge0"
- name: instance-3
memory: "1"
cpus: 1
image_url: ""
libvirt_host: "server.home.lan"
libvirt_user: "james"
bridge_name: "bridge0"
name: ansible
name: ansible

Optional parameters
molecule_bridge: existing bridge on local host. Can be useful if you
want to set network interface name created for molecule.
default value is: molecule-br0.
molecule_network_cidr: ip address range that should be bind to molecule
virtual network.
default value is:
qemu_user: qemu process user. On RHEL like system qemu user is qemu.
On Debian like, qemu user is libvirt-qemu.
default value is: qemu.
cpu_model: specifies CPU model requested by the guest virtual machine.
default is : qemu64.
arch: specifying the CPU architecture to virtualization. default is
timezone: vm’s timezone. default is America/Toronto.
bridge_name: existing bridge on remote host. This bridge should allow VM
being reachable with an ip address.
libvirt_host and libvirt_user: remote host parameters. libvirt_user
should belongs to libvirt group.
Once set, you will have to run:
molecule test

Read the documentation and more at

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James Regis
Gaëtan Trellu
Gariele Cerami
Sorin Sbarnea

The MIT License.
The logo is licensed under the Creative Commons NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
If you have some other use in mind, contact us.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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