morse2sound 1.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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morse2sound 1.0.3

What can I do with this?
From some text, produce a sound file that contains that text, encoded
in Morse code.
What's this Morse code thing?
Fast message transport via telegraphy was one of the first practical
uses of electricity, dating back to the middle of the 18th century.
Samuel F. B. Morse
originally devised a scheme to transmit numbers via electric pulses,
with a code book that allowed translation of words to those numbers
and back. Later, his assistant Alfred
L. Vail improved on this
by coding single letters, so the code book became obsolete. He used
short, long, longer, and extra long impulses. His original method is
still remembered as American Morse
Code, although it
sees little use. This was again improved by Friedrich
C. Gerke, who
simplified from four different impulse lengths to just two. Gerke's
code is virtually identical to what is nowadays known as International
Morse Code. In 1865, an international treaty established the
ITU as the first
multinational standards organization, with the purpose of facilitating
cross-border transport of messages. That same 1865
treaty also
formalized Gerke's version of the Morse code. The coding of the
letters a-z and the digits 0-9 have remained unchanged since then, but
other things like punctuation indeed have seen some changes. The ITU
still exists and to this day standardizes the international Morse
among many other things.
Is anybody still using Morse telegraphy?
Morse telegraphy is still extensively used by certain sections of the
HAM amateur radio
community. For obscure historical/technical reasons, Morse telegraphy
is generally designated as "CW".
CW is ubiquitous. On an everyday basis, any CW-capable short wave
receiver (such as Twente Web-SDR
available on the internet) is likely to pick up CW signals if tuned
through the designated telegraphy ranges, e.g., 7000-7040 kHz. CW
sees extensive use among DXers (radio amateurs trying to reach rare
far-away places), in contests (radio amateur competitions), and by the
"home-brew" community (radio amateurs constructing their own
equipment). By its supporters, CW is considered an enjoyable mode of
What does this software do?
It takes text and produces, as a sound file or stream, a Morse encoded
version of that text.
The output format is that of
.wav files.
Basic usage
morse2sound --in message.txt --wpm 12 --out message.wav

For more info, do morse2sound --help or morse2sound -h .
Character set
The international Morse code.
Make sure when you say python3, then a resonably recent version of
Python comes up. In particular, python3 --version should give a
3.10.something or later version.
This software could be easily backported to 3.9 or 3.8, it's only
typing hints that require 3.10 or better. (Previous published
versions also needed 3.10 or better, but claim to make do with 3.8 or
3.9. This was a bug. It has been fixed with 1.0.3: The software now
correctly says it needs Python>=3.10.)
I suggest you create and activate a venv. On Linux:
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

pip install morse2sound

The .wav files generated compress quite well, with the compression
algorithm of your choice, zip or something.
Have git installed.
git clone

Change to the directory morse2sound that was created by the above.
Create and activate a virtual environment as per the
pertaining to your OS.
pip install -r requirements_test.frozen

Do your changes and repeat that python ./ part in your branch
before starting a pull request as usual towards the
To run locally
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/src python src/cw_enc/ -h

To build locally
In an activated
virtual environment:
pip install --upgrade build
rm -rf dist build morse2sound.egg-info
python -m build

To install what you built:
pip install dist/morse2sound-*-py3-none-any.whl

To upload
This is useful only for the maintainer:
Extended tests with pip install doit && doit --verbosity 2 .

Edit the version in pyproject.toml
git tag -s vx.y.z
git push origin --tags

pip install --upgrade build twine
rm -rf dist build src/morse2sound.egg-info
python -m build
python -m twine upload dist/*


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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