mosaic-client 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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mosaicclient 0.1.0

MOSAIC client
The mosaic_client library provides wrappers around the SOAP interfaces of E-PIX and gPAS by the THS Greifswald.
The main entrypoints are mosaic_client.EPIXClient and mosaic_client.GPASClient, which are classes that simply take the URL to the WSDL endpoint of their respective services and expose functions to interact with the services.
The documentation of the latest commit on the master branch can be seen on GitLab.
Run pip install mosaic_client.
You can then import the mosaic_client module in your project.
This is an example for requesting a new MPI for an identity.
It is assumed that first and last name, gender and birthdate are required and that there exists a data domain called "default" and a source called "dummy_safe_source".
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from mosaic_client.epix import EPIXClient
from mosaic_client import Identity

epix = EPIXClient("http://localhost:8080/epix/epixService?wsdl")
mpi_response = epix.request_mpi("default", "dummy_safe_source", Identity(
birth_date=datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

# prints out the MPI assigned to the identity
print(f"MPI: {mpi_response.person.mpi()}")

The same works with gPAS.
Simply provide the WSDL endpoint URL and use the provided methods as you please.
In this example, a new pseudonym is requested inside the "default" domain.
from mosaic_client.gpas import GPASClient

gpas = GPASClient("http://localhost:8080/gpas/gpasService?wsdl")
psn = gpas.get_or_create_pseudonym_for("default", "value123")

# prints out the generated pseudonym
print(f"Pseudonym: {psn}")


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