msort 0.1.9

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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msort 0.1.9

Formatter for automatic re-ordering of methods defined within classes.
Read the full documentation.
Install from testpypi using:
pip install -i --extra-index-url msort

Msort is a command line tool which can be run using:
msort --input-path src/

If an output path is not specified, then Msort will modify the original source code file. To write to a new file:
msort --input-path src/ --output-path src/

Msort can run recursively over .py files by specifying a directory as the input path:
msort --input-path src/

Msort can put all the outputs after formatting a directory of .py scripts into a new output directory:
msort --input-path src/ --output-path src/msorted/

Msort can be run selectively by specifying skip patterns to exclude files with those patterns in the file name:
msort --input-path src/ -sp exclude_1 -sp exclude_2

Msort can be run in check mode. No files will be modified and Msort will report the number of files which would be
msort --input-path src/ --check

Msort can be run in diff mode. No files will be modified and Msort will report the class method order changes for
each class in each .py script:
msort --input-path src/ --diff

Msort can be run using Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) or Concrete Syntax Tree (CST) parsers. The AST parser is simpler
but does always preserve code format such as line spacing, comments and quoting style. Msort handles some of these
inconsistencies such as line spacing and comments by borrowing parsing information from ast_comments and astor.
However, quoting style is not guaranteed with the AST parser. The CST parser uses the libcst package and faithfully
preserves code style. It is recommended to use the CST parser with Msort and this is the default behaviour.
The parser can be specified using --parser or -p flags.
msort --input-path src/ --parser cst

msort --input-path src/ -p ast

Python classes can have methods which do not access or change the state of the instance. It can be useful to indicate
that a method does not affect the state by using the @staticmethod decorator and removing self from the
arguments of the method. Msort can automatically decorate methods which could be static with the @staticmethod
decorator. This behaviour can be controlled using the auto_static parameter in the msort section of the
msort.ini file. Alternatively, use the --auto-static flag on the command line to force the modifications, or use
--n-auto-static to block any static modifications. Note that the command line arguments take precedence over the
msort.ini parameters.
Auto convert to static methods:
msort --input-path src/ --auto-static

Block conversion to static methods:
msort --input-path src/ --n-auto-static

Msort configurations can be specified in either a msort.ini file or a pyproject.toml file. If both files are
present then the pyproject.toml file will take precedent.
Msort is a formatter for python classes. Currently, there is no prescribed convention for how the methods of a class
should be organised. There are some expectations, such as dunder methods being at the top of the class but this is
generally not enforced.
Msort aims to be a formatter along the lines of black and isort which can be used to reorder the methods of a class
according to some pre-described ordering pattern.
By default, Msort orders in the following way:

Type annotated class attributes - e.g. name: str = "MyClass"
Unannotated class attributes - e.g. name = "MyClass"
Dunder methods - e.g. __init__
Class methods - @classmethod
Static methods - @staticmethod
Properties - @property
Getters - @name.getter
Setters - @name.setter
Other decorated methods - sorted by decorator alphabetically - e.g. @lru_cache, @abstractmethod
Instance methods - def func(self): pass
Private methods - def _func(self): pass

If multiple methods occur for a given sorting level, then the methods are sorted alphabetically.
Pre-commit hook
Msort can be used with pre-commit to reformat python classes as part of CICD pipelines.
Create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file in your project root
There are two options:
Option One - use a local installation of Msort
- repo: local
- id: msort
name: msort
entry: msort
language: system
types: [python]
args: []

Option Two - use the remote hook
- repo:
rev: v0.1.8
- id: msort
args: []


diff generator does not report nested classes


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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