mysql-autodoc 0.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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mysqlautodoc 0.2

mysql-autodoc is a program to generate html documentation for
a mysql dtabase.
The idea ant the template is base on the postgresql_autodo from
Rod Taylor <>.

Version 0.2
It doesnt’t depend any more on a C API and on external dll for MySQL Connector (which was the case with MySQL-python).
It now depends on a MySQL driver written in Python et available on Python Package Index: mysql-connector-python (>=1.0).
Dependance on Jinja2 (>2.4) still.
Auto-install dependances.
Tested on Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3.

python build
sudo python install
or use pip:
pip install mysql-autodoc

Command line
$ ./mysql-autodoc --help
Usage: mysql-autodoc [options] database

--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file=FILE write documentation to FILE, default database.html
-H HOST, --host=HOST Database server hostname
-u USER, --user=USER database username
-p ask for a database password
--password=PASSWORD database password
-P PORT, --port=PORT database connection port
-v verbose mode


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