networking-oneview 1.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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networkingoneview 1.1.0

[![PyPI version](]([![Build Status](]([![Coverage Status](]( OneView Mechanism Driver============================Overview--------The Mechanism Driver dynamically reflects some networking operationsmade by [OpenStack Neutron]( to[HPEOneView]( operations allows the OneView administrator to know what ishappening in the OpenStack System, and automatizes some operations.The following diagram describes an overview of how Neutron and OneViewwill interact using the Mechanism Driver. This driver usespython-hpOneView to provide communication between Neutron and OneViewvia REST API. +---------------------------------+ | | | Neutron Server | | (with ML2 plugin) | | | | +---------------------+ | | OneView | Ironic API +----------------+ | | Mechanism +--------------+ Ironic | | | Driver | +----------------+ +-----------+----------+----------+ | REST API | | +---------+---------+ | OneView | +-------------------+The OneView Mechanism Driver aims at having the Ironic-Neutronintegration for multi-tenancy working with nodes driven by the OneViewdrivers for Ironic.How the driver works--------------------The OneView Mechanism Driver does not reflect all networking operationsin Neutron to OneView. To identify if a certain Neutron request shouldbe fulfilled, the Mechanism Driver checks if the networks and ports arerelated with networks/connections created on OneView.There are two cases regarding the usage of networks (both properties arein the configuration file detailed in the following):​1. When the user wants to map a Neutron provider network to theOneViewUplinkSet, so that every network/port operation on this providernetwork will be reflected (created) on OneView. This mapping is madeusing the uplinkset\_mappings property. In this situation theadministrator defines comma-separated triples of: uplinkset_mappings=<provider_network>:<logical_interconnect_group_uuid>:<uplink_set_name>These can be related to two types of Uplink Sets:- Ethernet Uplink Sets - to support VLAN networks.- Untagged Uplink Sets - to support flat network.​2. When the user wants Neutron to be aware of a previously creatednetwork on OneView, so that this network will be mapped onto a providernetwork, and every port/connection operation using that provider networkwill use the mapped network to attach to the connection on OneView. Inthis situation the administrator defines comma-separated pairs of: flat_net_mappings=<neutron_provider_network>:<oneview_network_uuid>In the case of port operations, only Neutron ports related to managednetworks with the *local\_link\_information* field populated areconsidered. The mechanism driver also uses the information from the MACaddress of the requested port, to identify the specific NIC of theServer Profile where the operation should be executed. This informationcan be directly configured in the Neutron port or passed by the Ironicport field *local\_link\_connection*.The driver also implements a fault tolerance process to guarantee thatall networks and ports that are present in Neutron are correctlyreflected in OneView. To ensure that, the verification is executed inthe startup of the mechanism driver and periodically after theinitialization. This synchronization process considers the informationfrom the configuration file, and the information stored in the OneViewMechanism Driver tables present in the Neutron Database.Considering these assumptions, OneView Mechanism Driver is capable ofthe following:- **Create a network** in OneView for each network creation request in Neutron to the physical provider-networks configured in the driver config file.- **Add networks to Uplink Sets** in OneView for the mapped Uplink Set to the physical provider-network in the driver config file. > - Ethernet Uplink Sets are used with vlan typed provider > networks > - Untagged Uplink Sets are used with flat typed provider > networks- **Manual mapping** of Neutron flat networks onto specified pre-existing networks of OneView.- **Create, remove, and update connections** in Server Profiles, implementing Neutron port binding. > - Works only when Neutron port with binding\_vnic\_type = > baremetal > - Expects Server Hardware ID and boot priority in the > local\_link\_information of the Ironic port- **Synchronization** of all networks and ports/connections, to provide fault tolerance.Ironic Configuration--------------------By default, Ironic is configured to use flat networks during thedeployment process. In order to use Ironic-Neutron integration toprovide networks isolation during deployment, some configuration isnecessary. In the ironic.conf file the following configuration should bedone: [DEFAULT] enabled_network_interfaces = flat,noop,neutron default_network_interface = neutron [neutron] cleaning_network = <neutron_cleaning_network> provisioning_network = <neutron_provisioning_network>As mentioned in the previous section, the OneView Mechanism Driver needsto receive the `local_link_connection` from Ironic ports to performnetworking ports operations. Once Ironic ports do not have anyinformation stored by default, it is necessary to update ports with thelocal-link-connection: openstack baremetal port set <port_uuid> --node <node> --local-link-connection switch_id=<switch_id> --local-link-connection switch_info='"{\"server_hardware_id\": \"<sh_id>\", \"bootable\": \"True\"}"' --local-link-connection port_id='' --pxe-enabled true> **note**>> The Ironic OneView CLI creates Ironic ports and set> “local\_link\_connection”.**local\_link\_connection attributes**- switch\_id: required, but the OneView Mechanism Driver does not deal directly with switches. switch\_id receives any value in MAC format. Example: 01:23:45:67:89:ab- port\_id : required, but the OneView Mechanism Driver does not deal directly. port\_id receives any value.- switch\_info: will be configured with information demanded by OneView Mechanism Driver. > - server\_hardware\_id: identifies in which Server Hardware the > connection to represent the new port will be created > - bootable: indicates if this connection will be bootable or > not. It is required for performance deploy.To identify the port where the connection needs to be created, the MACaddress already configured in the Ironic port will be used.Install using OpenStack-----------------------To install the OneView Mechanism Driver, access the virtual environmenton Neutron Server Container: source/openstack/venvs/<neutronvenv>/bin/activateToinstalltheOneViewMechanismDriver,run: pip install networking-oneviewConfiguration-------------1. To configure Neutron ML2 plugin, access the file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2\_conf.ini- Add the OneView driver: mechanism_drivers = <other_drivers>,oneview1.1 On both containers (Neutron Server and Neutron Agent):- Insert the networks flat,vlan: tenant_network_types = vxlan,flat,vlan- Insert the flat physical networks: [ml2_type_flat] flat_networks = public,<flat-physical-network1>,<flat-physical-network2>- Insert the vlan physical networks: [ml2_type_vlan] network_vlan_ranges = public,<vlan-physical-network1>,<vlan-physical-network2>2. To configure the OneView configuration, access the file: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2\_conf\_oneview.ini> **note**>> If you are using TLS options for communication with OneView; it is> necessary to download the credentials ( from OneView oneview_host=<hostname> username=<username> password=<password> uplinkset_mappings=<provider:logical_interconnect_group_id:uplink_name>,<provider2:logical_interconnect_group_id2:uplink_name2> flat_net_mappings=<provider3:oneview_network_id>,<provider4:oneview_network_id2> ov_refresh_interval=<oneview_refresh_internal> tls_cacert_file = <cacert_file_path>3. In Neutron Agent, edit: /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge\_agent.iniMap neutron ports used by the container as follow: [linux_bridge] physical_interface_mappings = <flat-physical-network1-name:network-interface>,<vlan-physical-network1-name:network-interface>4. Upgrading Neutron Database:- Upgrade database: neutron−db−manageupgradeheads−Editthe/etc/systemd/system/\<neutron_directory.servicefile.:−InthepropertyExecStartadd:−−config−file/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_oneview.ini−Restarttheneutronservice: systemctl daemon-reload && service neutron-server restart- Restart the neutron-agent container: serviceneutron−linuxbridge−agentrestart5.Configuringhaproxytimeoutintheoutsidecontainer(host):−Tosetthetimeonhaproxy,editbothfiles:/etc/haproxy/conf.d/00−haproxy/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg−Inthedefaultssectionofthefiles,changethefollowinglinesto:timeoutclient300stimeoutconnect10stimeoutserver300s−Restartthehaproxyservice: service haproxy restartLicense-------OneView ML2 Mechanism Driver is distributed under the terms of theApache License, Version 2.0. The full terms and conditions of thislicense are detailed in the LICENSE file.Contributing------------Fork it, branch it, change it, commit it, and pull-request it. We arepassionate about improving this project, and are glad to accept help tomake it better. However, keep the following in mind: We reserve theright to reject changes that we feel do not fit the scope of thisproject. For feature additions, please open an issue to discuss yourideas before doing the work.Feature Requests----------------If you have a need not being met by the current implementation, pleaselet us know (via a new issue). This feedback is crucial for us todeliver a useful product. Do not assume that we have already thought ofeverything, because we assure you that is not the case.


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