nexus3-cli 4.2.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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nexus3cli 4.2.1

A python-based command-line interface and API client for Sonatype's Nexus
OSS 3.

Compatible with Nexus 3 OSS. It may work with the commercial release, but it's untested.

Nexus versions tested

Python API and command-line support.
Artefact management: list, delete, bulk upload and download.
Repository management:

Create hosted and proxy.
Create apt, bower, docker, maven, npm, nuget, pypi, raw, rubygems, yum.
Content type validation, version and write policy.

Groovy script management: list, upload, delete, run.
Clean-up policy management: create, list.
Task management: list, run, show stop.
Security management: realms.
Blob store management: list, show, create, delete, update (API only).

The actions above are performed using the Nexus REST API if the endpoint is
available, otherwise a Groovy script is used.
Please note that some Nexus 3 features are not currently supported. Assistance
implementing missing support is very welcome. Please have a look at the
and contribution guidelines.
The nexus3-cli package is available on PyPi. You can install using pip / pip3:
pip install nexus3-cli

There's also a Docker image with nexus3-cli
Enable Groovy scripts
Some of the functionality in this client was written before the Nexus REST API
exposed the necessary endpoints. For this reason, you may need to enable Groovy
script execution in your instance.
See the FAQ in this blog post
and the example in this project.
If you decide to leave Groovy scripts disabled in your Nexus 3 instance, you need to disable its
use in this client. This can be done by editing the ~/.nexus-cli configuration and changing
groovy_enabled to false. Alternatively, you can export the NEXUS3_GROOVY_ENABLED=false
environment variable.
Command line
For a quick start, use the sonatype/nexus3 Docker image:
docker run -d --rm -p --name nexus sonatype/nexus3

This container will take a while to start the first time you run it. You can
tell when it's available by looking at the Docker instance logs or browsing to
On older versions of the nexus3 Docker image, the default admin password is
admin123; on newer versions it's automatically generated and you can find it
by running docker exec nexus cat /nexus-data/admin.password.
The login command will store the service URL and your credentials in
~/.nexus-cli (warning: restrictive file permissions are set but the contents
are saved in cleartext).
Set up credentials:
$ nexus3 login
Nexus OSS URL (http://localhost:8081):
Nexus admin username (admin):
Nexus admin password (admin123):
Verify server certificate (True):

Configuration saved to /Users/thiago/.nexus-cli

Alternatively, you can define environment variables NEXUS3_PASSWORD, NEXUS3_USERNAME, NEXUS3_URL, NEXUS3_API_VERSION, and NEXUS3_X509_VERIFY.
List repositories:
$ nexus3 repository list
Name Format Type URL
maven-snapshots maven2 hosted http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-snapshots
maven-central maven2 proxy http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-central
nuget-group nuget group http://localhost:8081/repository/nuget-group nuget proxy http://localhost:8081/repository/
maven-releases maven2 hosted http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-releases
nuget-hosted nuget hosted http://localhost:8081/repository/nuget-hosted
maven-public maven2 group http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-public

Create a repository:
nexus3 repository create hosted raw reponame

Do a recursive directory upload:
$ mkdir -p /tmp/some/deep/test/path
$ touch /tmp/some/deep/test/file.txt /tmp/some/deep/test/path/other.txt
$ cd /tmp; nexus3 up some/ reponame/path/
Uploading some/ to reponame/path/
[################################] 2/2 - 00:00:00
Uploaded 2 files to reponame/path/

Nota Bene: nexus3-cli interprets a path ending in / as a directory.
List repository contents:
$ nexus3 ls reponame/path/

For a usage message for commands, subcommands and options, run nexus3 -h.
CLI documentation
See API documentation.
The automated tests are configured in .gitlab-ci.yml. To run tests locally,
install the package with test dependencies and run pytest:
pip install [--user] -e .[test]
pip install [--user] pytest faker
pytest -m 'not integration'

Integration tests require a local Nexus instance listening on 8081/tcp or as
configured in ~/.nexus-cli. The configuration file can be created using
nexus3 login.
docker run -v $(pwd)/tests/fixtures/nexus-data/etc:/nexus-data/etc -d --rm -p --name nexus sonatype/nexus3
./tests/ # the Nexus instance takes a while to be ready
# use the random admin password generated by the Nexus container to login
nexus3 login -U "http://localhost:8081" -u admin -p $(docker exec nexus cat /nexus-data/admin.password) --no-x509_verify
pytest -m integration
docker kill nexus

Nota Bene: if you re-run integration tests without re-creating or cleaning-up the
dev Nexus instance, test will fail because some objects created during tests will
already exist.
Pull requests are welcome; please see


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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