ns1-python 0.21.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ns1python 0.21.0

NS1 Python SDK

This project is in active development.

A Python SDK for accessing NS1, the Data Driven DNS platform.
This package provides a python SDK for accessing the NS1 DNS platform
and includes both a simple NS1 REST API wrapper as well as a higher level
interface for managing zones, records, data feeds, and more.
It supports synchronous and asynchronous transports.
Both python 2.7 and 3.3+ are supported. Automated tests are currently run
against 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.
$ pip install ns1-python

None, but supports different transport backends. Currently supported:

requests (synchronous, the
default if available)
urllib (synchronous, the default if requests isn't available)
twisted (asynchronous, requires 2.7 or 3.5+)

Other transports are easy to add, see
See the examples directory
If you don't yet have an NS1 account, signup here (free)
You'll need an API Key. To create one, login to the portal
and click on the Account button in the top right. Select Settings & Users, then
add a new API Key at the bottom.

Documentation at ReadTheDocs
NS1 REST API Documentation

Unit tests use pytest (pip install pytest). 2.7 also requires mock to be
installed (pip install mock).
Tests should, of course, run and pass under python 2 and 3. We use tox to
automate test runs and virtualenv setup, see tox.ini for config.
Pull Requests and issues are welcome. See the
NS1 Contribution Guidelines for more
Editing the docs
You can create or edit NS1-python documentation by downloading the repo onto your machine and using an editor such as VSCode.
Creating Pull Requests

When you're ready to submit your changes, add a descriptive title and comments to summarize the changes made.
Select Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.
Check the Propose file change button.
Scroll down to compare changes with the original document.
Select Create pull request.

Our CI process will lint and check for formatting issues with flake8 and
It is suggested to run these checks prior to submitting a pull request and fix
any issues:
pip install flake8 black
flake8 . --count --show-source --statistics --extend-ignore=E501
black . --check -l 79 --diff


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