odoo-selenium 0.1.6

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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odooselenium 0.1.6

This package provides utilities that make it easy to quickly write and develop Odoo tests using Selenium.
Just import SeleniumCase and make your Unit Test a subclass of it. Simple as that!
Here is an example that demonstrates it:
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

from odoo.tests import tagged

from odoo_selenium import SeleniumCase

@tagged("-at_install", "post_install")
class TestSelenium(SeleniumCase):

def test_login_page(self):
email_input = self.driver.find_element(By.ID, "login")

self.assertEqual("Email", email_input.get_attribute("placeholder"))

If you wish to contribute, it is easy to set up a development environment. Being a simple library meant to be
integrated with Odoo, all that is needed is to clone the source code and start hacking away. Below you can find
a simple overview of the project and its structure.
Project Structure
The project is divided in three sections, the library itself, tests and the supporting Docker files to run the test
All library code should reside inside this folder. This is the code that will be imported by users on their Odoo tests.
These are Odoo modules and form part of the test suite. Because this package is meant to be used as a utility library
for Odoo, testing does not really make sense without Odoo. These modules only provide tests to be run in Odoo and verify
the library integrates well and does not randomly explode.
Running the Test Suite
Since an Odoo instance is required to run the test suite, the project relies on Docker to provide this instance and
other required infrastructure, like a PostgreSQL server. Running on a Docker container also means the project itself
is installed as users would, meaning this environment is as close to possible as the 'real world'.
To run the test suite you can simply issue the following command:
docker compose -f .docker/chrome-compose.yaml up --build --abort-on-container-exit --force-recreate

Make sure the working directory when running said command is the repository's root. Docker automatically checks for
changed files so nothing needs to be performed on your part (other than running the command above), this makes testing
iterative changes really easy and quick.
By default, the test suite runs against the newest Odoo version. To run the test suite with a different Odoo version it
is as easy as specifying it:
ODOO_VERSION=15 docker compose -f .docker/chrome-compose.yaml up --build --abort-on-container-exit --force-recreate

The command above will run tests against Odoo 15.0. Images are tagged as: vauxoo/odoo-selenium:${ODOO_VERSION} so
if you wanted to inspect the image built above, you can simply use:
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=/bin/bash vauxoo/odoo-selenium:15

Note: If your tests fail, and you see old code being referenced, you are using an old image! That's why
--force-recreate is used.
This project is maintained by Vauxoo.
A Latin American company that provides training, coaching,
development and implementation of enterprise management
systems and bases its entire operation strategy in the use
of Open Source Software and its main product Odoo.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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