ofcli 0.6.3

Creator: bradpython12

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ofcli 0.6.3


This is a helper CLI tool for exploring OIDC federations.
ofcli works with Python 3.7+.
The recommended way to install ofcli is with pip:
pip install ofcli

This will ensure that the stable version is fetched from pip, rather than the development version.
Usage: ofcli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Tool for exploring an OIDC federation.

--insecure Disable TLS certificate verification.
--log-level LEVEL Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG. Default
value: ERROR. [env var: LOG]
--debug Sets the log level to DEBUG.
--version Print program version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.

discovery Discover all OPs in the federation available to a given RP. If
no trust anchor is specified, all possible trust anchors will
be used.
entity Commands for working with an entity in an OIDC federation.
fetch Fetch an entity statement
list List all subordinate entities.
resolve Resolve metadata and Trust Marks for an entity, given a trust
anchor and entity type.
subtree Discover federation subtree using given entity as root.
trustchains Builds all trustchains for a given entity and prints them.

For each subcommand, you can use the --help flag to get more information about the subcommand.
$ ofcli trustchains --help
Usage: ofcli trustchains [OPTIONS] ENTITY_ID

Builds all trustchains for a given entity and prints them. If any trust
anchor is specified, only trustchains ending in the trust anchor will be

--ta, --trust-anchor TA_ID Trust anchor ID to use for building trustchains
(multiple TAs possible).
--export DOT_FILE Export trustchains to a dot file.
--details Prints trustchains with additional details,
including entity statements and expiration
--insecure Disable TLS certificate verification.
Default value: ERROR. [env var: LOG]
--debug Sets the log level to DEBUG.
--version Print program version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.

Following, various example outputs.


$ ofcli trustchains https://op.fedservice.lh --export op-chains
* https://op.fedservice.lh -> https://trust-anchor.spid-cie.fedservice.lh/
* https://op.fedservice.lh -> https://umu.fedservice.lh -> https://swamid.fedservice.lh
* https://op.fedservice.lh -> https://umu.fedservice.lh -> https://seid.fedservice.lh

This will export the trust tree for the entity https://op.fedservice.lh to the file examples/op-chains.dot in the DOT language.
The file can be converted to an image using the dot command from the Graphviz package (or any other tool that can read DOT files):
dot -Tpng examples/op-chains.dot -o examples/op-chains.png

Federation discovery

Discovering all entities in a sub-federation given by its root entity:
$ ofcli subtree https://swamid.fedservice.lh --export swamid-fed
- https://swamid.fedservice.lh (federation_entity)
- https://umu.fedservice.lh (federation_entity)
- https://op.fedservice.lh (openid_provider)
- https://lu.fedservice.lh (federation_entity)
- https://auto.fedservice.lh (openid_relying_party)

This will export the federation tree for the entity https://swamid.fedservice.lh to the file examples/swamid-fed.dot, which can be rendered as an image as described above.

Metadata resolution

Resolving metadata for an entity, given a trust anchor, will apply all metadata policies along the trustchain found for the given trust anchor, and return the resulting metadata.
$ ofcli resolve https://op.fedservice.lh --ta https://trust-anchor.spid-cie.fedservice.lh/ --entity-type openid_provider

This will return the metadata for the entity https://op.fedservice.lh as it would be seen by an entity that has https://trust-anchor.spid-cie.fedservice.lh/ as a trust anchor (see examples/op-resolved-metadata.json).
ofcli also provides a REST API for the same functionality as the CLI. The API is documented using OpenAPI and can be explored using the Swagger UI.
To run the API, use the ofapi command. This will start a web server on port 12345 by default, but this can be changed using the --port option.
$ ofapi --port 8080

The API consists of the following endpoints:

/entity/{entity_id:path}: Returns the decoded self-signed entity configuration for given entity_id.
/fetch: Fetches an entity statement for a given entity ID from a given federation entity.
/list/{entity_id:path}: Lists all subordinates of an entity.
/trustchains/{entity_id:path}: Builds all trustchains for a given entity and prints them. If any trust anchor is specified via a query parameter, only trustchains ending in the trust anchor will be returned.
/subtree/{entity_id:path}: Discover federation subtree using given entity as root.
/resolve/{entity_id:path}: Resolve metadata and Trust Marks for an entity, given a trust anchor and entity type via query parameters.
/discovery/{entity_id:path}: Discover all OPs in the federation available to a given RP. If no trust anchor is specified via query parameters, all possible trust anchors will be used.

Installing the development version
The development version of ofcli can be installed from the main branch of the git repository and can be installed as follows (note the -e switch to install it in editable or "develop mode"):
git clone https://github.com/dianagudu/ofcli
cd ofcli
pip install -e .

Versions are managed by bump2version. To bump the version, run:
bump2version [major|minor|patch]

This will increase the version accordingly and commit the change.
Build the package
python -m build --sdist --wheel

If you're running the OIDCfed testbed locally with self-signed certificates, you'll first need to trust the mkcert CA certificate:
pip install certifi
cat "`mkcert -CAROOT`/rootCA.pem" >> `python -m certifi`

This work was started in and supported by the
Geant Trust & Identity Incubator.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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