ogma 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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ogma 0.1.0


According to legend, he is the inventor of Ogham, the runic language in which Irish Gaelic was first written.

Ogma is a database access code generator for Java. It will take your database schema definition written in a Python-based DSL and generate (with jOOQ, among others) the necessary Java code to perform typed queries on that database.
It can also generate the necessary DDL to create the database structure according to spec.
Ogma has been written for MySQL and MariaDB, but could be made to work with other engines that are both supported by SQLAlchemy and jOOQ.
How to install
Just run the usual for a Python package:
pip install ogma

Then you can run ogma.
Code generation and other tools
Ogma obviously generates code, but it can also do other things. The tool is organized with subcommands.
The generate subcommand is used to generate Java code from the model file. The model file is a Python with some restrictions and additions:

There is an implicit import of everything from modelutils
No imports are allowed

For Developers

modelutils contains all the code that is imported into the database model files and that internally deals with model operations.
commands contains the entry points for the tool's subcommands
templates contains mustache templates for jOOQ's configuration and additional generated Java code


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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