OMSTD-ch-001 0.1.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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OMSTDch001 0.1.1

What's this project?====================This project is a basic MD5 searcher, using webservice. It belongs to OMSTD Project ( project is **BSD**... Copy it! And, if you remember, please mention me in credits :)How to install==============.. code-block:: bash sudo python3.4 -m pip install OMSTD-ch-001How use it?===========You can use this project as a command line tool or as a library, as part of your Python projects.As a tool---------You can display all options to run as command line running command :samp:`omstd-ch-001 -h`:.. code-block:: bash usage: omstd-ch-001 [-h] -m PASSWORD [-v VERBOSITY] [-p PROVIDER] [--proxy PROXY] [--list-providers] OMSTD Example optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m PASSWORD, --md5 PASSWORD MD5 hashed value to test -v VERBOSITY verbosity level -p PROVIDER select provider used to get cracked MD5 hash. Defaul: all. --proxy PROXY proxy in format: http://USER:PASS@IP:PORT --list-providers list password providersProviders are the repositories that contains the MD5 <-> plain text information. By default it has the value 'all', but you can list available list running :samp:`omstd-ch-001 --list-providers`:.. code-block:: bash Cracking providers: - all (special case. Select all providers) - - tmto - - - - - md5crack - authsecu - netmd5crack - md5pass - i337.netA complete run: :samp:`omstd-ch-001 -m 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3`:.. code-block:: bash [**] Plain text FOUND!!!. Decoded password is ----> hello world <----.As a library------------.. code-block:: python from omstd_ch_001.api import Parameters, run_check_md5_hash if __name__ == "__main__": # Set config try: input_parameters = Parameters(md5_hash=params.password, verbosity=params.verbosity, provider=params.provider, proxy=params.proxy) except ValueError as e: print(e) exit() run_check_md5_hash(input_parameters) # Display scan time try: result = run_check_md5_hash(input_parameters) print("[**] Plain text FOUND!!!. Decoded password is ----> %s <----." % result.plain_password) except: print("[**] Password not found")


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