onepassword-tools 1.6.0

Creator: bradpython12

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onepasswordtools 1.6.0

1Password Tools

This is a collection of 1Password related CLI tools and helpers.
Since version 1.0.0, this tool is made for op CLI version 2.0

Usage: op-tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

-v, --verbosity LVL Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG
--help Show this message and exit.

new-database-account Create a new Database item in 1Password with the...
new-server-account Create a new Server item in 1Password with the
new-ssh-key Generates a new SSH key and store it in 1Password.
new-website-account Create a new Login item in 1Password with the given...
ssh-add Loads a SSH key stored in 1Password by searching...

Usage: op-tools new-database-account [OPTIONS]

Create a new Database item in 1Password with the given credentials.

--return-field TEXT Field value to return
--account TEXT Account to use (shorthand)
--vault TEXT Vault uuid where to store the information
--title TEXT Name of the 1Password item
--notes TEXT Note
--password-length INTEGER Autogenerated password length, default 25
--password TEXT Password to use, default autogenerated
--database TEXT Database name [required]
--hostname TEXT Host where the account is created [required]
--port TEXT Database port
--username TEXT Account username [required]

Usage: op-tools new-server-account [OPTIONS]

Create a new Server item in 1Password with the given credentials.

--return-field TEXT Field value to return
--account TEXT Account to use (shorthand)
--vault TEXT Vault uuid where to store the information
--title TEXT Name of the 1Password item
--notes TEXT Note
--password-length INTEGER Autogenerated password length, default 25
--password TEXT Password to use, default autogenerated
--hostname TEXT Host where the account is created [required]
--username TEXT Account username [required]
--help Show this message and exit.

Usage: op-tools new-ssh-key [OPTIONS]

Generates a new SSH key and store it in 1Password. Additional information
are stored also to generate SSH config file when imported.

--return-field TEXT Field value to return
--account TEXT Account to use (shorthand)
--vault TEXT Vault uuid where to store the information
--title TEXT Name of the 1Password item
--notes TEXT Note
--from-user TEXT User who is responsible from initiating the
connection, default current user.
--from-host TEXT Host from where the SSH connection starts,
default current hostname.
--to-user TEXT Remote user, prompted if empty. [required]
--to-host TEXT Remote server hostname, prompted if empty.
--to-host-abbreviated TEXT Alias of the remote server hostname used to
initialize connection.
--no-passphrase TEXT Create ssh key without passphrase.
--passphrase TEXT Use this passphrase instead of an autogenerated
--passphrase-length INTEGER Length of the autogenerated passphrase.
--port INTEGER Remote port
--help Show this message and exit.

Usage: op-tools new-website-account [OPTIONS]

Create a new Login item in 1Password with the given credentials.

--return-field TEXT Field value to return
--account TEXT Account to use (shorthand)
--vault TEXT Vault uuid where to store the information
--title TEXT Name of the 1Password item
--notes TEXT Note
--password-length INTEGER Autogenerated password length, default 25
--password TEXT Password to use, default autogenerated
--url TEXT URL of the website where the account is created
--tld_variations TEXT Create multiple URLs variations or url parameter
with the given tld. Provided tld are comma separated.
ex: tld_variations=docker,
--username TEXT Account username [required]
--help Show this message and exit.

Usage: op-tools ssh-add [OPTIONS] [SEARCH]

Loads a SSH key stored in 1Password by searching [SEARCH] in uuid or in
item title, and creates a ssh configuration file of the following format:

Match originalhost [<Alias>][<Hostname> user <Remote user>]
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile <path to key file>
Hostname <Hostname>
User <Remote user>
Port <Port>

-D cleanup ssh agent and remove all 1Password managed
keys and configuration
--no-ssh-config TEXT Do not create ssh config file
--help Show this message and exit.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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