onesignal-python 0.1.0.dev1

Creator: railscoder56

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onesignalpython 0.1.0.dev1

# onesignal-pythonPython client for OneSignal push notification service[![Build Status](]( Installing- ```pip install onesignal-python```- ```pip install git+```## UsageExample, sending push to specific devices (currently, only way supported).```pythonfrom requests.exceptions import HTTPErrorfrom onesignalclient.app_client import OneSignalAppClientfrom onesignalclient.notification import Notificationplayer_id = 'sample00-play-er00-id00-000000000000'os_app_id = 'sample00-app0-id00-0000-000000000000'os_apikey = 'your-rest-api-key-goes-here'# Init the clientclient = OneSignalAppClient(app_id=os_app_id, app_api_key=os_apikey)# Creates a new notificationnotification = Notification(app_id, Notification.DEVICES_MODE)notification.include_player_ids = [player_id] # Must be a list!try: # Sends it! result = client.create_notification(notification)except HTTPError as e: result = e.response.json()print(result)# Success: {'id': '1d63fa3a-2205-314f-a734-a1de7e27cc2a', 'recipients': 1}# Error: {'errors': ['Invalid app_id format']} - or any other message```## Requirements- Python 3.3+- ```requirements.txt``` or ```requirements-test.txt```## Running testsUsing **make**:```make run_tests```Using **pytest**:```py.test --pep8 --cov=. --cov-report=term-missing --cov-config=.coveragerc -r a -v -s```## Todo### API MethodsList of API methods to be covered by our client.**[U]** - requires User Auth | **[A]** - requires App API Key- [A] Create notification - Segments mode settings & params - ~~Devices mode settings & params~~ - Improve tests as new params are added - Filters mode settings & params - Common Parameters - App - ~~```app_id```~~ - ```app_ids``` - Content - ~~```contents```~~ - Improve validation - Behaviour when using ```template_id``` - ~~```headings```~~ - Improve validation - ```subtitle``` - ```template_id``` - ```content_available``` - ```mutable_content``` - Attachments - ~~```data```~~ - ```url``` - ```ios_attachments``` - ```big_picture``` - ```adm_big_picture``` - ```chrome_big_picture``` - Appearance - ~~```ios_badgeType```~~ - ~~```ios_badgeCount```~~ - ~~```small_icon```~~ - ~~```large_icon```~~ - _Others coming soon_ - Export data for request- [A] Cancel notification- ~~[U] View apps~~- ~~[U] View an app~~- [U] Create an app- [U] Update an app- [A] View devices- View device- [U] Add a device- Edit device- [U] New session- New purchase- Increment session length- [A] CSV export - ~~Regular export~~ - Extra fields - Make it available in the user client- [U] View notification- [A] View notifications- Track open


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