only-pipe 2.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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onlypipe 2.0.0
A non-intrusive Python pipeline.
There are only pipeline. If you want more functional tools, you should look for another library.
pip install only-pipe

Or fetch from github
pip install git+

Use pipeline to pass data as a positional parameter to the next function:
from pipe import F

range(10) | F(filter, lambda x: x % 2) | F(sum) == 25

Or you need to pass multiple parameters through the pipeline:
from pipe import FF

def get_data():
return 1, 2

get_data() | FF(lambda x, y: x + y) == 3

Use alias like follow code, you can use map/filter/reduce more conveniently:
from functools import reduce
from pipe import F

Filter = F(F, filter)
Map = F(F, map)
Reduce = F(F, reduce)

range(100) | Filter(lambda x: x % 2) | Map(lambda x: x * x) | Reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)

Set Global
Maybe you don't want to use from pipe import F in every file of the entire project, you can use the following code to set it as a global function, just like min/max/sum.
import pipe

pipe.set_global(pipe.F, pipe.FF)

Maybe you also want to expose functools.reduce to the world, just like map/filter.
import pipe
import functools

pipe.set_global(pipe.F, pipe.FF, functools.reduce)

No more ~ This library has less than ten lines of valid code, but it is very effective.
If you like it, please give a Star. 😀
This repository is released under the MIT. Do what you want!


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