onto 0.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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onto 0.0.1


"boiler": Backend-Originated Instantly-Loaded Entity Repository
This package is not profiled or checked for memory usage. It is
recommended that you use Kubernetes to increase fault tolerance.
Flask-boiler manages your application state with Firestore.
You can create view models that aggregates underlying data
sources and store them immediately and permanently in Firestore.
As a result, your front end development will be as easy as
using Firestore. Flask-boiler is comparable to Spring Web Reactive.
When you change the attendance status of one of the participants
in the meeting, all other participants receive an updated version
of the list of people attending the meeting.

Some reasons that you may want to use this framework or architectual

You want to build a reactive system and not just a reactive view.
You want to build a scalable app that is native to distributed
You want a framework with a higher level of abstraction, so you can
exchange components such as transportation protocols
You want your code to be readable and clear and written mostly
in python, while maintaining compatibility to different APIs.
You have constantly-shifting requirements, and want to have
the flexibility to migrate different layers, for example,
switch from REST API to WebSocket to serve a resource.

This framework is at beta testing stage.
API is not guaranteed and may change.
Documentations: readthedocs
Quickstart: Quickstart
API Documentations: API Docs
Example of a Project using flask-boiler: gravitate-backend
Related Technologies
Ideal Usage
boiler will compile your python code into flink jobs, web servers,
and more to be run on a kubernetes engine (not currently implemented).

Connectors supported

REST API (Flask and Flasgger)
GraphQL (Starlette)
Firebase Functions
JsonRPC (flask-jsonrpc)
Leancloud Engine
WebSocket (flask socketio)

To be supported:

Flink Table API

Design Pattern
onto abstracts to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), where,

Model consists of a transactional database or datastore, and
lives in back end.
ViewModel consists of a distributed state consists of Model and
aggregator. It is the main part of boiler. For client-read,
it receives the streams coming in from the Model layer, and
output them as a View to the View layer. For client-write,
it receives the change streams from View
layer, and operate on Model layer to persist the change.
ViewModel lives in the back end, and may be operated as
boiler python code, or compiled as flink jobs in the case of
big data application (to be implemented).
View is the presentational layer for the back end. It serves
1NF normalized data that are readable to the front end
without further aggregation. Client reads and writes to View.
View should be ephemeral, and can be rebuilt from ViewModel.
View may be a remote system, eg. firestore or leancloud.

In your project directory,
pip install onto

See more in Quickstart.

State Management
You can combine information gathered in domain models and serve them in Firestore, so
that front end can read all data required from a single document or collection,
without client-side queries and excessive server roundtrip time.
There is a medium article
that explains a similar architecture called "reSolve" architecture.
See examples/meeting_room/view_models on how to use onto
to expose a "view model" in firestore that can be queried directly
by front end without aggregation.
Processor Modes
onto is essentially a framework for source-sink operations:
Source(s) -> Processor -> Sink(s)

Take query as an example,


staticmethods: converts to UDF
classmethods: converts to operators and aggregator's

Declare View Model
class CityView(ViewModel):

name = attrs.bproperty()
country = attrs.bproperty()

def new(cls, snapshot):
store = CityStore()
store.add_snapshot("city", dm_cls=City, snapshot=snapshot)
return cls(store=store)

def name(self):
return self.store.city.city_name

def country(self):
return self.store.city.country

def doc_ref(self):
return CTX.db.document(f"cityView/{self.store.city.doc_id}")

Document View
class MeetingSessionGet(Mediator):

from onto import source, sink

source = source.domain_model(Meeting)
sink = sink.firestore() # TODO: check variable resolution order

def materialize_meeting_session(self, obj):
meeting = obj
assert isinstance(meeting, Meeting)

def notify(obj):
for ref in obj._view_refs:
self.sink.emit(reference=ref, snapshot=obj.to_snapshot())

_ = MeetingSession.get(
# mediator.notify(obj=obj)

def start(cls):

WebSocket View
class Demo(WsMediator):

mediator = Demo(view_model_cls=rainbow_vm,

io = flask_socketio.SocketIO(app=app)


Create Flask View
You can use a RestMediator to create a REST API. OpenAPI3 docs will be
automatically generated in <site_url>/apidocs when you run _ = Swagger(app).
app = Flask(__name__)

class MeetingSessionRest(Mediator):

# from onto import source, sink

view_model_cls = MeetingSessionC

rest = RestViewModelSource()

@rest.route('/<doc_id>', methods=('GET',))
def materialize_meeting_session(self, doc_id):

meeting = Meeting.get(doc_id=doc_id)

def notify(obj):
d = obj.to_snapshot().to_dict()
content = jsonify(d)

_ = MeetingSessionC.get(

# @rest.route('/', methods=('GET',))
# def list_meeting_ids(self):
# return [meeting.to_snapshot().to_dict() for meeting in Meeting.all()]

def start(cls, app):

swagger = Swagger(app)


(currently under implementation)
Object Lifecycle
Object created with cls.new ->
Object exported with obj.to_view_dict.
Object created when a new domain model is created in database ->
Object changed when underlying datasource changes ->
Object calls self.notify
Typical ViewMediator Use Cases
Data flow direction is described as Source -> Sink.
"Read" describes the flow of data where front end would find data in Sink useful.
"Write" describes the flow of data where the Sink is the single source
of truth.
Read: Request -> Response
Write: Request -> Document

Front end sends HTTP request to Server
Server queries datastore
Server returns response

Read: Document -> Document
Write: Document -> Document

Datastore triggers update function
Server rebuilds ViewModel that may be changed as a result
Server saves newly built ViewModel to datastore

Read: Document -> Document
Write: Document -> Document

Datastore triggers update function for document d at time t
Server starts a transaction
Server sets write_option to only allow commit if documents are last updated at time t (still under design)
Server builds ViewModel with transaction
Server saves ViewModel with transaction
Server marks document d as processed (remove document or update a field)
Server retries up to MAX_RETRIES from step 2 if precondition failed

Read: Document -> WebSocket Event
Write: WebSocket Event -> Document

Front end subscribes to a ViewModel by sending a WebSocket event to server
Server attaches listener to the result of the query
Every time the result of the query is changed and consistent:

Server rebuilds ViewModel that may be changed as a result
Server publishes newly built ViewModel

Front end ends the session
Document listeners are released

Read: Document -> Document
Write: Document -> Document


≤1 (At-Most-Once)
≥ 1 (At-Least-Once)
=1[^1] (Exactly-Once)
≤1 (At-Most-Once)
≥ 1 (At-Least-Once)

If Implemented
Yes, with transaction[^1]
If Implemented

Designed For
Stateless Lambda
Stateful Container
Stateless Lambda
Stateless Lambda
Stateful Container


Higher when Scaled
Higher when Scaled

If Implemented
If Implemented


[^1]: A message may be received and processed by multiple consumer, but only one
consumer can successfully commit change and mark the event as processed.
[^2]: Scalability is limited by the number of listeners you can attach to the datastore.
Decoupled Domain Model and View Model
Using Firebase Firestore sometimes require duplicated fields
across several documents in order to both query the data and
display them properly in front end. Flask-boiler solves this
problem by decoupling domain model and view model. View model
are generated and refreshed automatically as domain model
changes. This means that you will only have to write business
logics on the domain model without worrying about how the data
will be displayed. This also means that the View Models can
be displayed directly in front end, while supporting
real-time features of Firebase Firestore.
One-step Configuration
Rather than configuring the network and different certificate
settings for your database and other cloud services. All you
have to do is to enable related services on Google Cloud
Console, and add your certificate. Flask-boiler configures
all the services you need, and expose them as a singleton
Context object across the project.
Since all View Models are persisted in Firebase Firestore.
Even if your App Instance is offline, the users can still
access a view of the data from Firebase Firestore. Every
View is also a Flask View, so you can also access the data
with auto-generated REST API, in case Firebase Firestore is
not viable.
Added Safety
By separating business data from documents that are accessible
to the front end, you have more control over which data is
displayed depending on the user's role.
One-step Documentation
All ViewModels have automatically generated documentations
(provided by Flasgger). This helps AGILE teams keep their
documentations and actual code in sync.
When you need better performance or relational database
support, you can always refactor a specific layer by
adding modules such as flask-sqlalchemy.
In GraphQL, the fields are evaluated with each query, but
onto evaluates the fields if and only if the
underlying data source changes. This leads to faster
read for data that has not changed for a while. Also,
the data source is expected to be consistent, as the
field evaluation are triggered after all changes made in
one transaction to firestore is read.
GraphQL, however, lets front-end customize the return. You
must define the exact structure you want to return in onto.
This nevertheless has its advantage as most documentations
of the request and response can be done the same way as REST API.
REST API / Flask
REST API does not cache or store the response. When
a view model is evaluated by onto, the response
is stored in firestore forever until update or manual removal.
Flask-boiler controls role-based access with security rules
integrated with Firestore. REST API usually controls these
access with a JWT token.
Redux is implemented mostly in front end. Flask-boiler targets
back end and is more scalable, since all data are communicated
with Firestore, a infinitely scalable NoSQL datastore.
Flask-boiler is declarative, and Redux is imperative.
The design pattern of REDUX requires you to write functional programming
in domain models, but onto favors a different approach:
ViewModel reads and calculates data from domain models
and exposes the attribute as a property getter. (When writing
to DomainModel, the view model changes domain model and
exposes the operation as a property setter).
Nevertheless, you can still add function callbacks that are
triggered after a domain model is updated, but this
may introduce concurrency issues and is not perfectly supported
due to the design tradeoff in onto.
Architecture Diagram:

Pull requests are welcome.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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