onx 0.3.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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onx 0.3.1

Noughts & Crosses (Tic Tac Toe)

Noughts & Crosses (Tic Tac Toe) terminal based, client-server online game with your partner through websockets.
Python 3.10
$ pip install onx

$ poetry shell
$ poetry add onx

Play Game
For running your game board just type in a terminal:
$ onx

You will see a game board in a waiting for your partner state.
Then ask your partner to run the same cli command with exactly the same cli options.
You will be matched to your partner by cli options (size and winning sequence length) on a server side.
If you are running a game with a public server than I'll suggest you to make a shorter delay between running your game board and your partners board. Just for reducing the probability to be matched with somebody else.

There are command line options for changing game board settings.
-g or --grid-size changes grid size.
-w or --wining-length changes winning sequence length.
-h or --help prints help.
$ onx -g14 -w3

Run Server and Client Locally
Set up env variables.
$ export LOCALHOST=""
$ export PORT=8888

Run server.
$ onx -d

Run client.
$ onx

Run Tests
$ git clone git@github.com:vyalow/onx.git
$ cd onx
$ poetry shell
$ poetry install --no-root
$ pytest --cov

Known Limitations

onx is currently based on textual TUI framework which is awesome
but is at an extremely early development stage. As a result you may be faced with some rendering problem like 711, 710.
I'll suggest you to run a game board in a fullscreen mode for now.
Public server is currently running on a free Heroku app. It means that a good enough SLA is not expected.

make release version=[patch | minor | major]


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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