oort-cloud 1.13.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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oortcloud 1.13.1

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# Oort-Cloud for Arcsecond
Oort-Cloud is the open-source super-easy-to-use tool for automatically and
continuously uploading to [Arcsecond.io](https://www.arcsecond.io) files
that are inside a folder.
[Arcsecond.io](https://www.arcsecond.io) is a comprehensive cloud platform
for astronomical observations, for individual astronomers, collaborations and
## Usage
Use pip (see [this page](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/) on how to install pip, if you haven’t done so):
`bash $ pip install oort-cloud `
Install for the user only (non-root):
`bash $ pip install oort-cloud --user `
Upgrade oort-cloud:
`bash $ pip install oort-cloud --upgrade `
Almost no-step-3 usage (the first one is to login to Arcsecond.io if not yet done):
`bash oort login oort restart oort watch [OPTIONS] folder1 folder2 ... `
See [detailed documentation](https://arcsecond-io.github.io/oort/) for a complete
description of all options and capabilities, with screenshots.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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