open-autonomy 0.15.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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openautonomy 0.15.2

Open Autonomy Framework

Open Autonomy is a framework for the creation of agent services: off-chain
autonomous services which run as a multi-agent-system (MAS) and offer enhanced functionalities
on-chain. Agent services expand the range of operations that traditional
smart contracts provide, making it possible to execute arbitrarily complex operations
(such as machine-learning algorithms). Most importantly, agent services are
decentralized, trust-minimized, transparent, and robust.
Get started developing agent services
Read the Open Autonomy documentation to learn more about agent services. Follow the set up and quick start guides to start building your own services.
For developers contributing to the framework: install from source

Ensure your machine satisfies the following requirements:

Python >= 3.8
Tendermint ==0.34.19
IPFS node ==v0.6.0
Pipenv >=2021.x.xx
Go ==1.17.7
Docker Engine
Docker Compose
Skaffold >= 1.39.1

Clone the repository:
git clone

Pull pre-built images:
docker pull valory/autonolas-registries:latest
docker pull valory/acn-node:latest
docker pull valory/contracts-amm:latest
docker pull valory/safe-contract-net:latest
docker pull valory/slow-tendermint-server:0.1.0

Create and launch a virtual environment. Also, run this during development,
every time you need to re-create and launch the virtual environment and update
the dependencies:
make new_env && pipenv shell

:information_source: Note: we are using atheris in order to perform fuzzy testing.
The dependency is not listed in the Pipfile because it is not supported on Windows.
If you need to run or implement a fuzzy test, please manually install the dependency.
If you are developing on Mac, please follow the extra steps described here.

Fetch packages:
autonomy packages sync --update-packages

If you are using our software in a publication, please
consider to cite it with the following BibTex entry:
Author = {David Minarsch and Marco Favorito and Viraj Patel and Adamantios Zaras and David Vilela Freire and Michiel Karrenbelt and 8baller and Ardian Abazi and Yuri Turchenkov and José Moreira Sánchez},
Title = {Open Autonomy Framework},
Year = {2021},


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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