open-py-ml 0.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

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openpyml 0.0.3

A simple ML library.

class Brain:
A brain. An Artificial intelligence (AI)'s data and runner.
Data: First argument in __init__(), Data is for the training data key/values
Threshold: Second argument in __init(), Threshold is for the percentage of which the AI finds
That the data is simular enough to the input string of which it is accepted
NOTE: This only works with strings now.

def __init__(self, data: dict or None, threshold: float):
Initializes a new brain.

def forward(self, data: str) -> str:
Gives a string for the Artificial intelligence (AI) to process.

As you can see, This is just the way the brain is organized.
You can only just use this, and you would have A good time.
But for quickly loading the brain. By quickly I mean without having to load the file yourself with "open()"
You can actually just use load(filename, threshold), and save(ai, threshold).
Note that load and save just save with json.


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