open_gopro 0.16.2

Creator: railscoder56

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open gopro 0.16.2

Open GoPro Python SDK

This is a Python package that provides an
interface for the user to exercise the Open GoPro Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Wi-Fi / USB HTTP API's as well as install command line interfaces to take photos, videos, and view video streams.

Free software: MIT license
Documentation: View on Open GoPro
View on Github


Note! This README is only an overview of the package.

Complete documentation can be found on Open GoPro

Top-level GoPro class interface to use BLE, WiFi, and / or USB
Cross-platform (tested on MacOS Big Sur, Windows 10, and Ubuntu 20.04)

BLE implemented using bleak
Wi-Fi controller provided in the Open GoPro package (loosely based on the Wireless Library

Supports all commands, settings, and statuses from the Open GoPro API
Asyncio based
Automatically handles connection maintenance:

manage camera ready / encoding
periodically sends keep alive signals

Includes detailed logging for each module
Includes demo scripts installed as command-line applications to show BLE, WiFi, and USB functionality such as:

Take a photo
Take a video
Configure and view a GoPro webcam stream
GUI to send all commands and view the live / preview stream
Log the battery


Note! This package requires Python >= 3.8 and < 3.12

The minimal install to use the Open GoPro library and the CLI demos is:
$ pip install open-gopro

To also install the extra dependencies to run the GUI demos, do:
$ pip install open-gopro[gui]

To automatically connect to GoPro device via BLE and WiFI, set the preset, set video parameters, take a
video, and download all files:
import asyncio
from open_gopro import WirelessGoPro, Params

async def main():
async with WirelessGoPro() as gopro:
await gopro.ble_setting.resolution.set(Params.Resolution.RES_4K)
await gopro.ble_setting.fps.set(Params.FPS.FPS_30)
await gopro.ble_command.set_shutter(shutter=Params.Toggle.ENABLE)
await asyncio.sleep(2) # Record for 2 seconds
await gopro.ble_command.set_shutter(shutter=Params.Toggle.DISABLE)

# Download all of the files from the camera
media_list = (await gopro.http_command.get_media_list()).data.files
for item in media_list:
await gopro.http_command.download_file(camera_file=item.filename)

And much more!

Note! These demos can be found on Github

Demos can be found in the installed package in the "demos" folder. They are installed as a CLI entrypoint
and can be run as shown below.
Command Line Interface (CLI) Demos
All of these demos are CLI only and can thus be run with the minimal (non-GUI) install.
Capture a photo and download it to your computer:
$ gopro-photo

Capture a video and download it to your computer:
$ gopro-video

Connect to the GoPro and log battery consumption in to a .csv:
$ gopro-log-battery

Connect to the GoPro's Wi-Fi AP and maintain the connection:
$ gopro-wifi

For more information on each, try running with help as such:
$ gopro-photo --help

usage: gopro-photo [-h] [-i IDENTIFIER] [-l LOG] [-o OUTPUT] [-w WIFI_INTERFACE]

Connect to a GoPro camera, take a photo, then download it.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Last 4 digits of GoPro serial number, which is the last 4 digits of the default camera SSID. If not used, first
discovered GoPro will be connected to
-l LOG, --log LOG Location to store detailed log
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Where to write the photo to. If not set, write to 'photo.jpg'
System Wifi Interface. If not set, first discovered interface will be used.

GUI Demos
These demos require the additional GUI installation.
Start the preview stream and view it:
$ gopro-preview-stream

Start the live stream and view it:
$ gopro-live-stream


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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