openaiunlimitedfun 0.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

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openaiunlimitedfun 0.1.1

OpenAI Unlimited Function Wrapper
The openaiunlimitedfuncwrapper is a Python package that simplifies interaction with the OpenAI API, providing easy access to various models of GPT, including conversational capabilities, dynamic function calling, and pseudo-function execution to elicit specific responses based on parameter modification.

Single-question querying to any GPT model and receiving a response.
Engaging in a conversation with context management.
Dynamically adding callable functions within the code.
Forcing execution of real or pseudo-functions to steer responses.
Automatic and manual creation of JSON schemas for function descriptions.
Setting the OpenAI API key via code for environment preparation.

To install openaiunlimitedfuncwrapper, simply run:
pip install openaiunlimitedfun

Setting Up Your OpenAI API Key
Before you start using the package, you need to set your OpenAI API key. You can do this by running:
from openaiunlimitedfun import set_openai_api_key


This will create or append to a .env file in your current directory, storing your API key.
Managing Available Functions
To make custom functions available for the OpenAI API to call during a conversation, use the manage_available_functions function:
from openaiunlimitedfun import manage_available_functions

# To save current module's functions

# To retrieve available functions
functions = manage_available_functions()

Adding Functions to the Function List
If you want to add specific functions to be accessible during the conversation, use manage_function_list:
from openaiunlimitedfun import manage_function_list

# To add a function to the list

# To retrieve the list of functions
function_list = manage_function_list(retrieve=True)

Generating JSON Schemas for Functions
You can create JSON schemas for your functions automatically or manually. This can be used to generate function descriptions for use within the wrapper.
Automatic JSON Schema Generation
Automatically generate a JSON schema based on user input:
from openaiunlimitedfun import create_json_autoagent

schema = create_json_autoagent('Describe a function that calculates the sum of two numbers.')

Manual JSON Schema Creation
Manually create a JSON schema through an interactive prompt:
from openaiunlimitedfun import create_function_json_manual

# Follow the interactive prompts to create your function JSON schema.

Usage Examples
Single Question
Query a single question and get a response:
from openaiunlimitedfun import single_question

response = single_question("What is the capital of France?")

Conversational Context
Engage in a conversation with the ability to maintain context:
from openaiunlimitedfun import chat_context_function_bank

question = "Who wrote the play Hamlet?"
context = [] # This should be a list of previous messages if you have them

response, updated_context = chat_context_function_bank(question, context)

Pseudo-Function Execution
Force the execution of a pseudo-function to get a desired response:
from openaiunlimitedfun import single_turn_pseudofunction

# Define a pseudo-function
pseudo_function = {
"name": "calculate_sum",
"parameters": {
"number1": 5,
"number2": 3

# Use the pseudo-function in a prompt
response = single_turn_pseudofunction("What is the sum of the numbers?", pseudo_function)

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests, report bugs, and suggest features.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

If you want to run a new pip build make sure to actiavte an enviroment, run pip install -r requirement.txt
Then be sure to run Remove-Item -Recurse -Force build, dist, *.egg-info if you had run a build before, else it would return an error
Then run python sdist bdist_wheel


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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