openassist 2.2.7

Creator: railscoder56

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openassist 2.2.7

OpenAssist is a module for Python that allows you to create an AI assistant using openai with ease.
pip install openassist

Roles.txt Format Example:
# This is the format for the text contents of the file used picked openassist.Roles is instantiated - It defaults to roles.txt

dog:You are a dog, talk like one to anything the user says next
cat:You are a cat talk like one to anything the user says next
pirate:You are a pirate talk like one to anything the user says next

# ROLES : 'system' = System Guide, 'assistant' = Ai Assistant, 'user' = User
# DEFAULT GPT DICT : {'role': 'system', 'content': 'You are a friendly assistant.'}
# DEFAULT ROLES FILE : 'roles.txt'
# COMING SOON : Parameters to be added to chat_completion() and completion() functions (temperature, top_p, max_tokens, stop) etc,..

Example Of Importing -
import openassist as OpenAssist - Import the module as OpenAssist
from openassist import OpenAIResponse, Roles, Memory - Import the classes individually (note case sensitivity)

Example Of Initializing Classes -
Memory1 = OpenAssist.Memory() - Initialize the memory list
Roles = OpenAssist.Roles("roles.txt") - Initialize the roles list with the specified file/path

Example Of OpenAI Completions -
OpenAIRes = OpenAssist.OpenAIResponse(api_key, model_id="gpt-4") - Initialize the OpenAIResponse class (model_id is optional but defaults to gpt-4)
OpenAIRes.chat_completion(Memory1.return_list()) - Run the OpenAI Chat Completion function
OpenAIRes.completion(prompt, max_tokens=100) - Run the OpenAI Completion function

OpenAIResponse -
chat_completion(memory_list) - Run the OpenAI Chat Completion function
completion(prompt, max_tokens=100) - Run the OpenAI Completion function (max_tokens is optional but defaults to 100)

Roles -
[Roles.] - Instance Name
add(role_name, role_content, as_role) - Add a role to the roles list
remove(role_name) - Remove a role from the roles list
view() - View the roles list
select(role_name) - Get a selected role from the roles list
random() - Get a random role from the roles list
format(role, content) - Format content into a role dictionary (role can be 'system', 'assistant', or 'user')

Memory -
[Memory1.] - Instance Name
add(dictionary) - Add a dictionary to the memory list
remove(dictionary) - Remove a dictionary from the memory list
remove_index(index) - Remove a dictionary from the memory list in the specified index
insert(index, dictionary) - Insert a dictionary into the memory list at the specified index
clear() - Clear the memory list
view_list() - View the memory list
return_list() - Return the memory list
edit(dictionary, index) - Edit a dictionary in the memory list at the specified index
get_index(dictionary) - Get the index of a dictionary in the memory list

Dev Log:
# 2.2.6 - Initial Release
# 2.2.7 - Added max_tokens parameter to chat_completion() and completion() functions


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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