opengridview 0.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

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opengridview 0.0.3

An application insipired by PowerShell’s Out-GridView
Implemented on Gnome using GTK
Input is passed via STDIN or via filenames in argument. Every file is assigned a window and a thread in charge of reading that file and parsing it.
Also check out my post on it:

Since we rely on Gtk, we need the python GTK bindings (PyGobject). Compiling it as a Python package is annoying, so it’s better to install the Distro-provided package (e.g. in Ubuntu - python-gi)

Basic usage
Either pipe input, or supply it as files.
Default parser is autosplit (re.split) with \s+ as separator
Change parser with –parser
Change separator where applicable using –separator
Column names are usually inferred from input. Use –headers to override.
Columns can be discarded by specifying an empty name, like –headers important,,also
Column types are usually inferred from first item in input. If overriding headers, follow a name with colons to force a specific type, like –headers col,othercol:int,thirdcol

These different types of input formatting are currently supported:

autosplit (default), which uses re.split to create different columns from every row.
Default separator is \s+ which is good for space-separated items.
Separator can contains capturing groups for interesting results

csv, with configurable column separators
line_json, where every line is considered a single JSON object (Line delimited JSON)

Items are displayed immediately when parsed

Additional features

Clipboard support. Copies as CSV to allow easy pasting in spreadsheet software
Simple text filtering


act as pipeline middle (and not just terminator), meaning that you can select items and click “OK” to make it send the items to STDOUT
Support advanced filtering (e.g. regex, specific columns)
Support hiding and re-ordering columns
show progress icon when stdin isn’t EOF yet


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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