openimis-be-claim-ai 2.0.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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openimisbeclaimai 2.0.0

openIMIS Backend Claim AI reference module
This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Backend Claim AI reference module.
It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-be_py.

ORM mapping:
Docker Setup:
For setting up dockerized instance .env file have to be added to openimis-be-claim_ai_py.

env file must provide following variables:
CHANNELS_HOST=<rabbitmq host used by channels layer>
ASGI_PORT=<Port on which the application is available>

If local instance of rabbitmq is used then amqp://guest:guest@ can be used as CHANNELS HOST.

In openimis-be-claim_ai_py directory files regarding model evaluation - Scaler, Encoder and Model
have to be added.
By default, expected file names are:


Used files can be changed by adjusting variables in module_config.json.
For the default files a hot reload is applied. If files other than defaults are used,
hot reload can be added by adjusting volume paths in claim-ai service in docker-compose.
Listened Django Signals
ClaimConsumer, websocket service responsible for AI evaluation
Websocket connection is available at claim_ai/ws/Claim/<process_id>/. It accepts bytes which payloads which after
decoding utf-8 decoding are in format:
'type': <type>,
'content': <payload_content>

Payload types:

'type': 'claim.bundle.payload',
'content': <FHIR Claim Bundle>,
'bundle_id': <bundle_id> // Optional argument with bundle id used for bundle distinction

'type': 'claim.bundle.payload',
'content': <FHIR ClaimResponse Bundle>,
'index': <bundle_id> // bundle_id if it was given in request, subsequent numbers otherwise

Used for claim evaluation, request payload have to contain claim bundle in FHIR format,
after request was accepted 'claim.bundle.acceptance' is sent. After evaluation
proper 'claim.bundle.payload' response with evaluation result is sent.

'type': 'claim.bundle.acceptance',
'content': <bundle_id> // index receieved from claim.bundle.payload

'type': 'claim.bundle.acceptance',
'content': 'Accepted',
'index': <bundle_id> // bundle_id if it was given in request, subsequent numbers otherwise

Request is expected to be receieved from client after FHIR claim repsonse bundle was correctly
receieved. Response is sent after claim.bundle.payload was receieved from the server.

'type': 'claim.bundle.authentication_exception',
'content': 'Invalid authentication token'

If token authentication is used and invalid token was provided by client this payload
is sent and connection is closed immediately.

'type': 'claim.bundle.evaluation_exception',
'content': <error_message>,
'index': <bundle_id>

If any exceptions occurred during the evaluation exception message is returned to client.

Reports (template can be overloaded via report.ReportDefinition)
GraphQL Queries
GraphQL Mutations - each mutation emits default signals and return standard error lists (cfr. openimis-be-core_py)
Configuration options (can be changed via core.ModuleConfiguration)

authentication: list of allowed tokens, when new connection is established client have
to send token in auth-token header, if authentication is empty list then all connection
request are allowed. Empty by default.
claim_response_url: url used in FHIR response as resource 'fullUrl' prefix,
claim_response_organization: organization used in FHIR response, by default 'openIMIS-Claim-AI',
date_format: date format used in FHIR response, by default YYYY-mm-dd

openIMIS Modules Dependencies
The module is independent of the others.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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