openimis-be-opensearch-reports 1.1.2

Creator: codyrutscher

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openimisbeopensearchreports 1.1.2

openIMIS Backend opensearch_reports reference module
Adding Environmental Variables to Your Build
To configure environmental variables for your build, include the following:

OPENSEARCH_HOST - For the non-dockerized instance in a local context, set it to
For the dockerized instance, use opensearch:9200.
OPENSEARCH_ADMIN This variable is used for the admin username. (default value: admin)
OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD This variable is used for the admin password. (default value: admin)

How to configure documents in openimis businesss module?
To configure Django ORM models with OpenSearch documents using a noSQL approach, follow these steps:

Begin by creating a file within your module.
Inside the file, define a Document class that corresponds to your Django ORM model.
For example:

from django_opensearch_dsl.registries import registry
from django_opensearch_dsl import Document, fields as opensearch_fields

class BeneficiaryDocument(Document):
benefit_plan = opensearch_fields.ObjectField(properties={
'code': opensearch_fields.KeywordField(),
'name': opensearch_fields.KeywordField(),
individual = opensearch_fields.ObjectField(properties={
'first_name': opensearch_fields.KeywordField(),
'last_name': opensearch_fields.KeywordField(),
'dob': opensearch_fields.DateField(),
status = opensearch_fields.KeywordField(fields={
'status_key': opensearch_fields.KeywordField()}

class Index:
name = 'beneficiary' # Name of the Opensearch index
settings = {
'number_of_shards': 1,
'number_of_replicas': 0
auto_refresh = True # automatically send updates and new objects to openSearch

class Django:
model = Beneficiary
related_models = [BenefitPlan, Individual]
fields = [
queryset_pagination = 5000

In the Django class, you can use the fields property to include all
the fields that are present in your Django ORM model.
If you wish to include related fields (foreign keys), make sure to specify them
in the related_models property of your Django class. Add all the foreign key fields
that you want to include.

class Django:
model = Beneficiary
related_models = [BenefitPlan, Individual]
fields = [
queryset_pagination = 5000

If you want to customize the default behavior of field creation, declare the fields you wish to modify
using the appropriate type. For foreign keys, use the ObjectField type.

class BeneficiaryDocument(Document):
benefit_plan = opensearch_fields.ObjectField(properties={
'code': opensearch_fields.KeywordField(),
'name': opensearch_fields.KeywordField(),
individual = opensearch_fields.ObjectField(properties={
'first_name': opensearch_fields.KeywordField(),
'last_name': opensearch_fields.KeywordField(),
'dob': opensearch_fields.DateField(),
status = opensearch_fields.KeywordField(fields={
'status_key': opensearch_fields.KeywordField()}

Note that TextField types are typically converted to non-aggregable fields in OpenSearch.
If you require aggregable fields, use the KeywordField type.
By default, the auto_refresh property in the Index class should enable data to be
automatically transferred on every CRUD operation managed by Django ORM. Ensure that
this property is properly configured in your project.

How to initialize data after deployment

If you have initialized the application but still have some data to be transferred, you can effortlessly
achieve this by using the commands available in the business module: python add_<model_name>_data_to_opensearch.
This command loads existing data into OpenSearch.

How to Import a Dashboard

Locate the dashboard definition file in .ndjson format within
the openimis-be_<module-name>/import_data directory.
Log in to your OpenSearch instance.
Expand the sidebar located on the left side of the page.
Navigate to Management and select Dashboards Management.
On the left side of the page, click on Saved Objects.
At the top-right corner of the table, click on Import.
A new side-modal will appear on the right side of the page.
Drag and drop the file from openimis-be_<module-name>/import_data into the import dropzone.
This action will import the dashboards along with related
charts that should be accessible on the visualization page.
Verify if the dashboards have been imported properly.

How to Export Dashboards with Related Objects like Visualizations in OpenSearch?

Log in to your OpenSearch instance.
Expand the sidebar located on the left side of the page.
Navigate to Management and select Dashboards Management.
On the left side of the page, click on Saved Objects.
At the top-right corner of the table, click on Export <N> objects.
Ensure that you have selected dashboards only. Additionally, choose the option to
include related objects, and then click export all.
You should have downloaded file in .ndjson format.
Save file in the business model for initialization after deployment in
Rename filename into opensearch_<model-name>_dashboard.ndjson

Developer tools
To upload opensearch configuration

from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:

run this command: python upload_opensearch_dashboards --host-domain <host-domain> --imis-password <password>. This command will This command will upload dashboards config
including charts, visualizations, indexes if the opensearch is available in package.
<password> - password necessary to log as admin user to obtain token to connect with API
<host-domain> is a hostname with http or https protocol for example


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