openimis-be-policy-notification 1.5.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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openimisbepolicynotification 1.5.0

openIMIS Backend Policy Notification reference module
This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Backend Policy Notification reference module.
It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-be_py.

ORM mapping:

FamilyNotification > tblFamilySMS

Listened Django Signals:

After Family mutation

CreateFamilyMutation - create FamilyNotification object connected with created family
UpdateFamilyMutation - update FamilyNotification object connected with updated family
DeleteFamiliesMutation - delete FamilyNotification object connected with deleted family

Family additional filter

Use mode from additional_filter.PolicyNotification to additionally query families by
notification eligibility

Family notification
Create FamilyNotification object connected with family with given uuid.
create_family_notification_policy(uuid, notification_data)

Update FamilyNotification object connected with family with given uuid.
update_family_notification_policy(uuid, notification_data)

Delete FamilyNotification object connected with family with given uuid.
delete_family_notification_policy(uuid, notification_data)

notification_data is dict structured as follows:
'approvalOfNotification': True, # boolean informing whether family allows notification comunication, default False
'languageOfNotification': 'en', # language code determining in which language messages will be sent, default en

Family Policy Notification Report
Report summarizing notification eligibility.
Available in endpoint: policy_notification/communication_by_notification_report
"districtUuid": "districtUUID",
"regionUuid": "regionUUID",
"officerUuid": "enrollmentOfficerUUID",
"mode": 1


0: 'All',
1: 'Approval and phone number',
2: 'Approval only',
3: 'Phone number only',
4: 'No approval and phone number'


This configuration key allows to configure currently used notification provider gateways.
For provider to be used it has to be included in notification_gateways submodule with class name
same as provider config (case-insensitive). When notifications are being send only first
provider is used. Module tries to use another provider only when notifying with previous
one has failed.
"providers": {
"eGASMSGateway": {
"GateUrl": "",
"SmsResource": "/api/policy_notification/test_sms/",
"PrivateKey": "",
"UserId": "",
"SenderId": "",
"ServiceId": "",
"RequestType": "",
"HeaderKeys": "X-Auth-Request-Hash,X-Auth-Request-Id,X-Auth-Request-Type",
"HeaderValues": "PrivateKey,UserId,RequestType"
"TextNotificationProvider": {
"DestinationFolder": "sent_notification"

Determines which types of notifications are to be sent.
"eligibleNotificationTypes": {
"activation_of_policy": False,
"starting_of_policy": False,
"need_for_renewal": False,
"expiration_of_policy": False,
"reminder_after_expiration": False,
"renewal_of_policy": False

family_policy_notification_report_perms - List of role right required for generating
report, default ["131224"]

trigger_time_interval_hours - Interval between event detector calls, default 4

trigger_first_call_hour - Hour of first task execution in given day, default 8

trigger_last_call_hour - Hour of last task execution in given day, default 20

Note: trigger_* settings are only used if scheduled task policy_notification.tasks.send_notification_messages
in the openimis SCHEDULED_TASK is not active. Task included in SCHEDULED_TASK should use hour param for
execution. Either provided as list of hours at which given task is executed (e.g. hour="8, 12, 16"),
single hour (e.g. hour=8), or the time interval when the task is executed every hour (e.g. hour='8-16').

reminder_before_expiry_days - Days before the expiry of un-renewed policy to send notifications,
default 5
reminder_after_expiry_days - Days after the expiry of un-renewed policy to send notifications,
default 5

openIMIS Modules Dependencies



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