openlobby 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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openlobby 0.1.0

# Open Lobby Server
Open Lobby is register of lobby meetings. It’s being developed for and tested
on [Czech Pirate Party]( but later it may be used by
any party, organization, agency, …
_Open Lobby is in early beta version now. Not for production use._
This is core of the register - server with [GraphQL API](
Over API are connected application interfaces. Default web application is
available at
Register is built on top of
[Elasticsearch]( For now it’s
intended for search in Czech language with custom Czech text analyzer. There is
prepared Elasticsearch Docker container with Czech support at
## Configuration

Configuration is done by environment variables:

DEBUG - Set to any value to turn on debug mode. Don’t use in production!
SECRET_KEY - long random secret string (required if not in debug mode)
DATABASE_DSN - DSN of PostgreSQL database (default: postgresql://db:db@localhost:5432/openlobby)
ELASTICSEARCH_DSN - DSN of Elasticsearch cluster (default: http://localhost:9200)
SITE_NAME - site name for OpenID authentication (default: Open Lobby)
ES_INDEX - Elasticsearch indices prefix (default: openlobby)

REDIRECT_URI - redirect URI used in OpenID Connect authentication (default: http://localhost:8010/login-redirect)

put there address where you run server, but keep there /login-redirect
this is the Redirect URI for static client registration at OpenID Provider

### Login shortcuts aka preregistered OpenID Clients
Some OpenID Providers does not allow dynamic client registration. You can still
use them. Register client with REDIRECT_URI and save client’s credentials into
database. You can do it in admin interface running at /admin. It’s standard
Django admin (create superuser for yourself like ./ createsuperuser).
## Docker
Docker image is at Docker Hub
It exposes server on port 8010. You should provide it environment variables for
configuration (at least SECRET_KEY).
## Demo
Demo of Open Lobby with instructions is in repository
## Local run and development
### Prerequisites
You need to have Python 3 installed.
Run PostgreSQL database on localhost:5432 with user db, password db and
database openlobby. You can provide different address in environment variable
Run Elasticsearch server
on http://localhost:9200. You can provide different address in environment
### Local run
Clone this repository and run:

make init-env - prepares Python virtualenv in dir .env
source .env/bin/activate - activates virtualenv
make install - installs requirements and server in development mode
make migrate - runs database migrations and rebuilds Elasticsearch index
make run - runs development server on port 8010

Now you can use GraphQL API endpoint and GraphiQL web interface at
Next time you can just do steps 2 and 5.
### Testing
Run: pytest
For full test suite run you have to provide OpenID Provider issuer URL which
allows client registration. For example you can run Keycloak sever locally:
docker run -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=pass -p 8080:8080 –rm jboss/keycloak
Login into Keycloak admin console http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/
(as admin/pass) and go to Realm Settings -> Client Registration -> Client
Registration Policies -> Trusted Hosts. There add localhost to “Trusted
Hosts”, turn off “Host Sending Client Registration Request Must Match” and save
Now run: pytest –issuer=http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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