openlut 0.2.7

Creator: railscoder56

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openlut 0.2.7

openlut - OSS tools for practical color management.

Dev Repo (Please submit Issues here):
Mirror Repo:
PyPi Package:
What is it?
openlut is a practical color management library/tool that aims to simplify and unify all the various methods of making accurate color transformations.
Supported transforms include:

1D and 3D LUTs
Color Matrices
Gamma Function
CDL Transform

It's built on my own color pipeline needs - I needed a simple but close-to-the-math solutions that dealt not with images, but with float arrays.
As a tool, its main feature is that it's exceptionally easy to import, transform, and then save not only images, but also transforms.
Docs can be found at They're a work in progress for now (ColMap is 100% documented).

Check Versions: Ensure you have Python 3.5+ installed.

Get System Dependencies - needing to do this is an unfortunate side effect of PyPi.

On Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python3-pip gcc libmagickwand-dev
On Mac: brew install python3 gcc imagemagick

Ensure Core Python Packages are Up To Date: Simply run pip3 install --user -U pip setuptools wheel to do so.

Install OpenLUT: Run pip3 install --user openlut.

This may take awhile, as it must compile the C++ Extension.


Clone the Repository: This is easy enough to do - just run git clone

Compile Openlut: Again, very easy - just run ./build <TARGET>, where <TARGET> is some build target as listed in ./build -l.

Pip doesn't work: If Python is installed, but pip won't run, try running curl | python3
Doesn't work on Windows: I'm unsure of how pip compiles C Extensions on Windows, and have little willpower to investigate. If
you need Windows support, PM me and I'll see what I can do about it.
Something's broken...: There may be several bugs. If you start an Issue, then I can investigate.
I Want To Contribute!
Contributions are welcome! Let me know if you have any questions or issues.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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